About CHRC
CHRC is a translational, clinical and public health research unit.
It is a consortium coordinated by NOVA Medical School managed with National School of Public Health, Evora University, Lisbon Institute of Mental Global Health and Fraunhofer. In the period of 2025-2029, CHRC is investing in a transformative growth, capitalizing recent organizational enhancements including building new campi, integration with the ToxOmics Unit, expansion into specialized Nutrition research, and a strategic partnership with Fraunhofer.
The centre will reinforce its leadership in translational research, public health promotion, and technology innovation through strategic collaborations with academia, healthcare entities, industry stakeholders, and government agencies.

Comprehensive Health Research Centre involves the work of hundreds of people in a collaborative and multidisciplinary environment.
Our experts come from different fields and institutions, which promotes a strong network of elements from diverse and complementary fields.
International Cooperation
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The goal of ISES Europe is to foster and advance exposure science needed to safeguard European citizens from environment-related pressures and risks to health and well-being. ISES Europe is an independent platform where stakeholders from society can exchange information and construct dialogues aiming at the identification of current and future scientific and policy needs and opportunities. ISES Europe ensures that needs and opportunities are communicated to relevant stakeholder groups such as academia, research funders, CEOs and competent authorities.
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The European Environment Agency (EEA) is an agency of the European Union, whose task is to provide sound, independent information on the environment. The EEA aims to support sustainable development by helping to achieve significant and measurable improvement in Europe's environment, through the provision of timely, targeted, relevant and reliable information to policymaking agents and the public.
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The INN is an open, participatory, multinational nursing federation that includes individual nurses, working groups or scientific and professional associations worldwide, without having a specific area of dedication or specialty. The INN covers the entire nursing profession, without limitations or exclusions, and is, without a doubt, a world reference in nursing at the scientific level.
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The EUPHA Health workforce research section aims to serve as a network of all researchers interested in health workforce issues, with a focus on Europe. It places health workforce research in the wider context of healthcare policy and services transformations as an independent, interdisciplinary and multi-professional field.
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The EUPHA Environment and health section aims to promote and strengthen research in the field of environment-related diseases, believing that the public health sector has the best equipped group of professionals to increase the capacity in this field. It provides a platform for the exchange of information between policymakers, practitioners and researchers working on environment and health.
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The Focus on Emotions research group is located at the Institute of Psychology of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at Leiden University. This group examines the effect of social learning on emotional competence in children and adolescents with a typical or atypical development.
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The E³UDRES² (Engaged / European / Entrepreneurial University as Driver for European Smart and Sustainable Regions) consortium promotes the development of small and medium-sized cities and their rural environments into smart and sustainable European regions. This consortium consists of a unique combination of scientific universities and universities of applied sciences, resulting in an innovative cooperation in research, teaching, knowledge transfer and innovation across Europe.
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EIT Health promotes entrepreneurship and innovation in healthy living and active ageing, providing Europeans with new opportunities and resources. It enables citizens to lead healthier and more productive lives by delivering products, services and concepts that improve quality of life and contribute to the sustainability of healthcare across Europe.
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RIPRES is an international network, co-lead by the University of Évora, created to bring together French and Portuguese speaking researchers. So far, two international projects were launched, one on aging and other on mental health. On both, the network aims at developing a global survey (etic level) followed by regionally focused research (emic level).
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EU-NN is a European non-profit organization whose mission is to increase public awareness about narcolepsy and other central disorders of hypersomnolence to support research and new initiatives to treat and to improve the quality of life for everyone affected by hypersomnolence.
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The IRLSSG is an organization of professionals committed to advancing basic and clinical research on Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS). Their mission includes the cooperative planning, implementation, analysis, and reporting of multi-center studies with an international emphasis. To this end, the IRLSSG aims to advance knowledge about the cause(s), pathogenesis, and clinical impact of RLS and related disorders.
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The ESRS is an international scientific non-profit organization that promotes all aspects of sleep research and sleep medicine. It aims to promote research on sleep and sleep-related areas, improve the care for patients with sleep disorders, and facilitate the dissemination of information regarding Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine.
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“Personalized health management, starting with a Falls Prevention Initiative”
This Action Group brings together partners across the European Union from local to national levels (health and care organisations, academia, industry, enterprises and public authorities) which are committed to implementing evidence based validated and operational programmes for prevention, early identification and minimisation of risk and management of falls in seniors.
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“Prevention of functional decline and frailty for old people”
The Action Group on frailty prevention works to improve the quality of life and health outcomes of older people by promoting a better understanding of frailty prevention and mitigation interventions for older people.
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Graphonomics is the multi-disciplinary field of fundamental and applied experimental research of handwriting and related skills. The general aims of the IGS are the advancement of research in the field of graphonomics, throughout the exchange of views and expertise, joint-project research, and the dissemination and application of knowledge wherever appropriate.
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AIDEA is the Ibero-American association for aquatic, special and motor education. It has professionals and academics, specialists in teaching aquatic motor skills in babies, children, people with disabilities, adults and hydrotherapy. AIDEA wants to share strategies in the field of education and aquatic therapy to support professionals in the aquatic environment by carrying out an evidence-based practice.
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Healthy-Age is a research network subsidized by the Consejo Superior de Deportes of the Spanish Government, which coordinates a committee of multidisciplinary experts belonging to different research groups from national and international universities, concerned with the promotion of and research into active aging, physical exercise and health.
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The EuroDISH working programme was designed along the ‘DISH’ model: ‘Determinants, Intake, Status, and Health’, which represented four key building blocks of the food and health research area and different stages of research infrastructure development. Thus, the EuroDISH focused on relevant innovation in research elucidating the interplay between lifestyle behavior, dietary intake and health status, and in public health nutrition strategies across Europe.
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Algarve Active Ageing is an ecosystem that offers creative and viable solutions that improve the quality of life and health of elderly people in the Algarve regium. This is a consortium of numerous organizations, including academy, governance, business and civil society, which work collaboratively to develop innovative solutions that can have an impact on populations.
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The ENIRRI supports experienced research groups in the fields of epidemiology, aetiology, microbiology, pathophysiology, clinical management and prognosis of respiratory infections affecting critically ill patients. The aim of the network has been to tackle several questions regarding diagnosis, treatment and general management of critically ill patients affected with a respiratory tract infection.
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The IEATA is a non-profit, professional organization to encourage the creative spirit. The IEATA inclusive and culturally diverse organization supports expressive arts therapists, artists, educators, consultants and others using integrative, multimodal arts processes for personal and community growth and transformation.
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The American Psychological Association is a scientific and professional organization that represents psychologists in the United States, that promotes the advancement, communication, and application of psychological science and knowledge to benefit society and improve lives.
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The Latin American Association for the Training and Teaching of Psychology (ALFEPSI) is composed by individuals and institutions linked to the field of psychology training. The mission of ALPEPSI is to contribute to the trainning and development of professionals in Psychology, considering the history and culture of the people from Latin America.
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The goal of ULAPSI (Latin American Union of Psychology Entities) is to establish itself as a network of scientific, professional and academic articulation of psychologists committed to the urgencies and needs of the countries in Latin America.
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AMAPSI is a self-managed, plural and socially committed organization of psychologists, dedicated to proposing, applying and developing scientific, professional and academic psychological alternatives to improve the lives of individuals, families, institutions, organizations, companies, communities and peoples.
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INTERDEM is a pan-European network of researchers collaborating in research on and dissemination of early, timely and quality psychosocial interventions in dementia aimed at improving the quality of life of people with dementia and their supporters, across Europe.
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ECRIN is a public, non-profit organisation that links scientific partners and networks across Europe to facilitate multinational clinical research. We provide sponsors and investigators with advice, management services and tools to overcome hurdles to multinational trials and enhance collaboration.
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BBMRI-ERIC brings together all the main players from the biobanking field – researchers, biobankers, industry, and patients – to boost biomedical research. To that end, it offers quality management services, support with ethical, legal and societal issues, and several online tools and software solutions.
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EULAR is a European non-governmental organization and represents the people with arthritis/rheumatism, health professionals and scientific societies of rheumatology in Europe. EULAR aims to reduce the burden of rheumatic diseases and to improve the treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal diseases. Also, it promotes the translation of research advances into daily.
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EUPATI provides training for patients and patient representatives on the end to end process of medicines research and development. Trained patient experts are the core resource for patient involvement in medicines R&D, regulatory deliberations, and other patient engagement initiatives. EUPATI is committed to changing the face of patient engagement through patient education.
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OAFI is an independent non-profit foundation aimed at promoting scientific research in the field of osteoarthritis to improve the quality of life of the people who suffer from this condition. In addition, it undertakes awareness-raising programs on the disease to sensitize society and reduce the number of people affected by it.
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“Joint Effort Initiative on Osteoarthritis Management Programs (OAMP)”
OARSI is the premier international organization for scientists and health care professionals focused on the prevention and treatment of osteoarthritis through the promotion and presentation of research, education and the worldwide dissemination of new knowledge. OAMP aim to deliver coordinated, evidence-based care for people with osteoarthritis. An OAMP is a model of evidence-based, non-surgical osteoarthritis care that has been implemented in a real-world setting.
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The ESCEO is a not-for-profit organization, dedicated to a close interaction between clinical scientists dealing with bone, joint and muscle disorders, pharmaceutical industry developing new compounds in this field, regulators responsible for the registration of such drugs and health policy makers, to integrate the management of Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Sarcopenia within the comprehensive perspective of health resources utilization.
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The EUPHA Chronic diseases section aims to increase knowledge on chronic disease control, particularly to develop the evidence base needed to guide policy and identify best practices for combating chronic diseases. Thus, it seeks to contribute to a sustainable reduction of illness, disability and premature death, as well as to eliminate health disparities and negative socioeconomic consequences caused by chronic diseases.
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The EUPHA Infectious disease control section aims to promote and strengthen the quality of infectious disease prevention and control in the European Region at the local, national and regional levels. Thus, it seeks to generate and share evidence and experience, and support decision makers in evidence-based policymaking.
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Patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection are at higher risk for ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). No study has evaluated the relationship between VAP and mortality in this population or compared this relationship between SARS-CoV-2 patients and other populations. The main goal of this European multicenter cohort study was to determine the relationship between VAP and mortality in SARS-CoV-2 patients.
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ASPHER is a membership organisation of institutions, spread across EU and wider across World Health Organization European Region, which are collectively concerned with the education and training, and professionalism, of those entering and working within the public health workforce. It promotes activities which foster exchange of information and best practices amongst its members in an effort to achieve high standards of public health education and training across Europe.
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iHEA’s mission is to increase communication among health economists, foster a higher standard of debate in the application of economics to health and health care systems, and assist young researchers at the start of their careers.
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The WMH Survey Initiative is a project of the Assessment, Classification, and Epidemiology (ACE) Group at the World Health Organization coordinating the implementation and analysis of general population epidemiologic surveys of mental, substance use, and behavioral disorders in countries in all World Health Organization Regions.
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EHMA is a non-profit membership organisation open to all those committed to improving health and healthcare, that focusses on enhancing the capacity and capability of health management to deliver high quality healthcare, so as to make a real difference to the lives of European citizens. EHMA is the only membership organisation in Europe to bring together health and hospital managers, healthcare professionals, researchers, educators, academia, policy and decision makers.
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The main goal of ERNEST is to develop a common, comprehensive and holistic map of signal transduction that will advance development of pathway-specific chemical modulators. This unique and innovative goal will unite scientists from different disciplines spanning the molecular, cellular, physiological, and clinical perspectives. This network of diverse investigators will be uniquely able to synergistically develop an unprecedented comprehensive understanding of signal transduction that will advance drug design efforts in Europe, for the benefit of societies and human health worldwide.
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Dedicated to the well-being of all people and guided by science, the WHO leads and champions global efforts to give everyone, everywhere an equal chance to live a healthy life. WHO leads global efforts to expand universal health coverage, directs and coordinates the world’s response to health emergencies, and promotes healthier lives.
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NANDA International is a professional nursing association that exists to develop, refine and promote terminology that accurately reflects nurses’ clinical judgments, and which is used in education and informatics.
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The EUPHA Health services research section aims to advance the current practices in health services research by promoting research, networking and exchange of expertise through international co-operation. The quick and profound changes in most health systems and in the delivery of health services around Europe provide inspiration to further develop the tools and methodologies in this young scientific discipline in public health.
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The EUPHA Public health monitoring and reporting section aims to establish a platform that will exchange experiences and good practice examples of public health monitoring and reporting. Its fields of interest are monitoring models, indicators for public health monitoring and the underlying data, and reporting of outcomes of public health monitoring, including forecasts and evaluation of impact of reporting.
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The goal of InfAct-JA is to strengthen national and European health information systems by establishing a sustainable European research infrastructure. InfAct-JA supports population health and health system performance assessment; strengthens European health information and knowledge bases, as well as health information research capacities to reduce health information inequalities; and supports health information interoperability.
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The telemedicine network of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP) is an efficient instrument to reduce inequities in health, facilitate access and improve the quality of the provision of health services to populations. This network allows a better accuracy in the screening of patients and a reduction of the number of evacuations/transfers of patients from one city to another for a specialized care. It also shortens patient’s hospitalization time. The network brings the medical and technical teams together via telemedicine, thus reducing monetary costs associated with travelling while keeping the social interactions between professionals.
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The RETE is a Brazilian network which develops educational and technological content in the health and well-being areas of intervention. RETE allows its members to share ideas, references and datasets, in a multidimensional and plural way of creating content available for all the community.
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The EUPHA Digital health section was established to cover the many ways in which modern information and communication technologies and public health interact. By focusing on areas such as health artificial intelligence, Electronic Health Records and data for public health surveillance, the section aims to help European public health be an integral part of digital health solutions, ensuring Digital Health for All.