Global and population mental health

Global and population mental health

This research group includes:

  • Psychiatrists;
  • Psychologists;
  • Social scientists;
  • Epidemiologists. 

It’s based at the Lisbon Institute of Global Mental Health (LIGMH), founded in 2014 by the Gulbenkian Foundation, NMS and ENSP. 

It aims at generating innovative knowledge, building capacity and providing technical collaboration to governments worldwide in the areas of: 

  • Mental health;
  • Social determinants and vulnerable populations;
  • Mental health and chronic diseases;
  • Mental health policy;
  • Mental health and human rights.

The main objectives for the next years are:

  • To continue studying the effects of socio-economic crises and other emergencies on mental health of the populations;
  • To assess accessibility and capacity of care in countries with diverse mental health systems;
  • To continue monitoring of mental health policies and systems in the EU;
  • To develop new approaches on capacity building of mental health leaders and researchers.

They will also initiate a World Mental Health Surveys Initiative´s study on university students’ mental health, as well as projects addressing psychosocial problems related to new vulnerabilities, and mental health and human rights.

Our Researchers

Adelinda Araújo Candeias

Alan Vinicius Assunção Luiz

Aline Maia

Ana Antunes

Ana Catarina Maia

Ana Escoval

Ana Gama

Ana Isabel Morais

Ana Lúcia João

Ana Margarida Advinha

Ana Margarida Dâmaso

Ana Paula Fernandes

Ana Pedro Costa

Ana Sofia Fernandes

Ana Sofia Rosinhas

Andreia Espírito Santo

António Portelada

Catarina Pedro

Celso Silva

Cristina Godinho

David Lopes

Deborah Oyine Aluh

Elisabete Alves

Guida Amaral

Guida Veiga

Inês Cardoso

Jesus Cortês

Joana Machorrinho

José Caldas de Almeida

Lara Guedes de Pinho

Manuela Silva

Margarida Santos Dias

Maria João Carapeto

Maria João Marques

Maria João Silva

Maria da Graça Duarte da Silva Santos

Mariana Alfaiate

Patrícia Domingos Belo

Paulo Sousa

Pedro Afonso Gouveia

Pedro Aguiar

Pedro Amaro

Raul Cordeiro

Rita Gonçalves

Rogério Henriques

Rui C. Campos

Rúben Araújo

Sandra Gomes

Sofia Azeredo

Sofia Rebocho

Sílvia Ramos

Sónia Dias

Teresa Reis

Teresa de Oliveira Rodrigues

Tomás Teodoro

Vânia Martins