Musculoskeletal Health: Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment

Musculoskeletal Health: Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment

The Musculoskeletal (MSK) Health group is committed to the continuous improvement of the quality and impact of its research to better address patients and healthcare service needs for patients with MSK diseases. The group will continue to collaborate with healthcare and community stakeholders to develop and evaluate innovative medical products, healthcare delivery models, and policies to improve the access and provision of high-value care for people with, or at risk of developing MSK diseases. 

The current CHRC research structures, the network of stakeholders, the quality and high impact of the group's research results, and the financial support of ongoing projects along with the learning and experience acquired by the group allow us to prioritize the following objectives for the next 5 years:

- To develop and evaluate new personalized forms of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Specifically, the group will use the CHRC research structures and financial support from ongoing projects (e.g. EpiDoc study,, and iPROLEPSIS projects) to enhance prevention and early detection of MSK diseases, particularly for people at higher risk and fragility, and test the effectiveness of new personalized treatment strategies based on predictors of response to biotechnological drugs.

- To evaluate the scale-out implementation of innovative models of high-value care delivery, able to improve the quality, efficiency, and sustainability of the healthcare provided to people with MSK diseases. This area of research will be supported by ongoing projects SPLIT/MyBack and COTIDIANA to evaluate its scale-out implementation.

- To co-produce, deliver, and evaluate innovative community-based interventions. The research group, together with the CHRC network community stakeholders, intends to apply for funding to develop new solutions to empower and support citizens and the community in the prevention and management of MSK diseases, reducing their dependence on health services.

Principal Researcher

Ana Rodrigues

Principal Researcher

Our Researchers

Alexandre Moniz

Ana Filipa Mourão

Ana Margarida Dâmaso

Ana Margarida Vieira

Ana Rita Henriques

Ana Rodrigues

Andreia Isabel Capucho dos Santos

André Vieira

Armando Raimundo

Carla Pereira

Carmen Caeiro

Conceição Calhau

Cátia Sousa

Daniela Costa

Diogo Pires

Eduardo B. Cruz

Francisco Nunes

Helena Canhão

Inês de Sousa

Jaime Branco

José Guimarães Consciência

João Paulo Sousa

Lara Campos

Luís Gomes

Nuno Mendonça

Rita Fernandes

Rute Dinis de Sousa

Sara Luísa Vaz

Susana Duarte