Investigação e Inovação CardioVascular e Respiratória
CAD is one main objective. In the context of the previous research on CCTA, investigation of coronary atherosclerosis, especially vulnerable plaques, with application of digital tools including AI will also be relevant. The use of AI-related algorithms in the interpretation of electrocardiograms will also be analyzed. Regarding exercise physiology, the role of several parameters derived from the cardiopulmonary exercise testing for risk stratification and evaluation of patients involved in cardiac rehabilitation programs will be a central point to study. The application of advanced imaging for the differentiation between athlete's heart and cardiovascular disease, the risk stratification of athletes involved in extreme exercise and the prognosis evaluation of athletes with cardiovascular disease will be investigated.
Interventional Cardiology will continue to be a topic of research, especially at coronary and valvular level. The group will also study various respiratory diseases such as asthma and COPD, and will focus on chronic cough research. Our main objectives include the identification and validation of innovative biomarkers that will improve the early diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of respiratory diseases. Through joint efforts, we will develop new diagnostic, interventional and therapeutic tools to improve healthcare. In this sense, we will develop digital health strategies that utilize biosensors, AI, machine learning techniques and telemedicine.
We are conducting a multicentric study on the clinical validation of a cough monitor with a startup (C-mo Medical Solutions), which was approved by the Ethics Nacional Committee and may have a global impact on respiratory health. Through R&D activities, both basic and clinical research, we intend to significantly contribute to the innovation and advancement of respiratory medicine.