Investigação em serviços de cuidados de saúde: eficiência, equidade, sustentabilidade e acesso

Investigação em serviços de cuidados de saúde: eficiência, equidade, sustentabilidade e acesso

The group aims to drive advancements in healthcare delivery and policy, focusing on key areas of efficiency, equity, sustainability, and access. The scope of activities includes:

-Healthcare delivery optimization: creating strategies to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare delivery systems, including streamlining processes, development, implementation and evaluation of innovative digital solutions; reducing waste, and enhancing performance and quality of care; with this, evidence-based policy recommendations will be developed. To build capacity in health services research by training researchers, policymakers, and healthcare professionals in methods and approaches to promote efficient, equitable, and sustainable healthcare systems.

-Healthcare equity and access: address disparities in healthcare access and outcomes, particularly among underserved populations, by identifying barriers and developing interventions to promote equity. To this, community and stakeholder engagement is key to ensure that research findings are translated into actionable strategies that address local needs and priorities.

-Healthcare policy and governance: analyze healthcare policies and governance structures to promote sustainability and ensure equitable access to healthcare, informing policy development and implementation. To provide evidence based recommendations to policymakers to enhance healthcare efficiency, equity, sustainability, and access. The goal is to strengthen health systems by identifying best practices and innovative approaches to improve healthcare delivery and outcomes.

-Health economics and cost-effectiveness: focus on health economics, assessing the cost-effectiveness of healthcare interventions and technologies to inform resource allocation decisions and improve sustainability.

-Health technology assessment: conduct assessments of new healthcare technologies, evaluating their impact on efficiency, equity, and sustainability within healthcare systems.

Investigador Principal

Julian Perelman

Investigador Principal

Os nossos Investigadores

Alexandre Moniz

Ana Margarida Advinha

Ana Rita Simeão

Anabela Coelho

Bruno Heleno

Carla Pereira

Carolina Santos

Celso Silva

Daniela Brandão

Deborah Oyine Aluh

Esmael Francisco Tomás

Felismina Mendes

Fernando Augusto Bozza

Frederico Guerreiro Fonseca

Gonçalo Figueiredo Augusto

Hugo Franco

Hugo Lopes

Inês Fronteira

Isabel Correia

Isabel Fernandes

Jaime Branco

Joana Alves

Joana Osório

Joana Vaz de Castro

Jorge Rosário

José Caldas de Almeida

Julian Perelman

Lara Guedes de Pinho

Louíse Viecili Hoffmeister

Luís Filipe Pereira Todo Bom

Lúcia Domingues

Manuel Lopes

Margarida Perdigão

Maria João Carvalho

Maria João Lobão

Maria João Marques

Paula Alexandra Alves Pimpão

Paulo Faria Boto

Paulo Sousa

Pedro De Araújo Gonçalves

Pedro Póvoa

Ricardo Alves

Rita Gonçalves

Rui Almeida

Rui Santana

Rômulo Paes de Sousa

Sara Luísa Vaz

Sofia Paiva

Sofia de Oliveira Martins

Susana Duarte

Sílvia Lopes

Sónia Romano

Telma Quaresma

Vânia Martins

Élia Janes Quintas