Motricidade Humana
The Human Kinetic Research Group (HKG) intends to be focused on three fields of study within the scope of Human Kinetics: Exercise and Health (E&H), Sports Sciences (SS), Psychomotricity (PsyM). In E&H we will be exploring the effects of exercise interventions on health-related outcomes, namely investigating the impact of combined aerobic-resistance, strength, flexibility exercise therapy on fatigue, muscle strength, cardiorespiratory function, glycemic control, pain and physical function and quality of life.
Aiming to contribute to knowledge on Exercise as a non-pharmacological treatment to non-communicable diseases and to diminish the burden of these to patients and Healthcare systems. We will be focused on studying physiological responses on muscle fatigue, muscle oxygen saturation, and muscle function in individuals with health conditions (rheumatology, cardiorespiratory, diabetes, obese, elderly) but also healthy controls and athletes, involving techniques like: inertial measurement, near-infrared spectroscopy, and force plates, DXA, cardiorespiratory function, muscular strength among others. In SS, our research aims to promote participants´ adaptation and development throughout life, by manipulating and analyzing different performance contexts. Sport is considered as a strategy to promote healthy lifestyles and to develop behavioral and relational skills.
Performance analysis will also be studied, considering different age groups and sports. Additionally, this research group aims to use and develop technologically advanced tools regarding the assessment and monitoring of sports practice. In PsyM, we will focus on contributing to the understanding of the complex interplay between embodiment, environmental factors, and health outcomes. Interventions in the field of primary and secondary healthcare, focusing all age groups and multiple clinical contexts, will be developed and its effects on health and well-being will be examined.