Centro de Formação e Treino
It aims to build a community of practice among CHRC members, create opportunities for their lifelong development and support the development of innovative, competitive post-graduate training programmes, streamlining the cooperation among involved institutions and international institutions. Bruno Heleno led this office that collected and disseminated information about the advanced research training (advance courses, MSc and PhD programmes) in all institutions integrating CHRC and shared it with the community. CHRC board of directors have facilitated exchange programs between PhD students and Pos-Docs within CHRC institutions contributing to increase the internal collaborations. Also, many researchers had the opportunity to participate in exchange programs like EUTOPIA PhD co-tutelle program. Between 2020 and 2023, 28 pos-doc researchers and 4 PhD students moved to other top-level institutions for short and medium-term periods via Erasmus Plus and CHRC Scholarships. Other activities developed by the E&T Office were the assessment of CHRC researchers' and Staff training needs, and consequent design and delivery of training actions, eg. "Mixed Methods - Integrating quantitative and qualitative methods"; "Untangling funding applications for European Opportunities"; "Project management in health".
CHRC Numbers
Courses & Training Programs
Master Programs
Doctoral Programs
CHRC's Collaborative Pre- and Postgraduate Training Programmes

Digital Health Executive Course - ENSP and NMS

Master in Clinical Research Management (MEGIC) – NMS and ENSP

Master in One Health: Human and Animal Public Health - UÉ and NMS

Master in Physiotherapy – Musculoskeletal Conditions - ENSP and NMS

Master in Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Health Research (EPIBIS) – ENSP and NMS

PhD in Global Public Health - ENSP and NMS

PhD in Health and Wellness Sciences and Technologies - NMS, ENSP and UÉ

PhD in Erasmus Mundus PHOENIX EM JDP Dynamics of Health and Welfare – ENSP and UÉ
15 PhD Scholarships awarded
Rita Cavaglia
Rita Moura
Joana Machorrinho
Inês Alves
Bárbara Pedrosa
Deborah Aluh
Louise Viecili Hoffmeister
Ricardo Silva
Paulo Pereira
António Lista
Ugne Grigaite
Ana Teresa Sá Machado
Daniela Guerreiro
Marta Dias
Marta Moniz
Education & Training Center’s Activities
Universidade de Évora e CHRC recebem o “International Graphonomics Society” em 2023
Pela primeira vez em Portugal, de 19 a 23 de junho do próximo ano, realizar-se-á uma conferência da International...
Trabalho em Equipa e Gestão de Conflitos | CHRC Education & Training
No próximo dia 28 de junho de 2023, o gabinete de Education & Training do CHRC irá realizar uma formação sobre...
Apoio financeiro e logístico para a organização de ações de formação
[EXCLUSIVO PARA MEMBROS CHRC]O Centro de Formação e Treino do CHRC abriu o concurso para...
CHRC Talks premieres on June 30
CHRC is pleased to announce that the CHRC Talks will premiere on the next June...
Workshop "Meta-Analysis in Health " | 29 de Novembro, 2023
Um novo Workshop sobre “Meta-Análise em Saúde” está a ser organizado por membros de investigação do CHRC. Acontecerá...