Inês de Sousa

Inês de Sousa


Inês Sousa is the Head of Intelligent Systems and a senior researcher at Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS. Within the Intelligent Systems group, Inês leads a team of 30 researchers who work closely with clients and partners to conceptualize, plan, and develop Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based solutions that are secure and have a positive impact. These solutions automate repetitive processes, enhance human capabilities in interpreting large amounts of data and anticipating events, and support decision-making, generating value.

Inês holds a PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the Instituto Superior Técnico, where, in collaboration with Siemens Healthcare and Hospital da Luz, she studied brain function through quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging techniques.

From human brain research, she moved to artificial intelligence, maintaining a focus on processes that evolve over time, such as the evolution of clinical risk factors or post-surgical recovery. Currently, she is involved in the Center for Responsible AI, an initiative that brings together the entire national AI ecosystem, with the goal of advancing the field of developing robust and auditable AI solutions while maintaining data privacy. She also coordinates the European AISym4Med consortium, which aims to create a platform that supports the development of AI solutions for health, ensuring secure access to high-quality clinical data.