Saúde ambiental e ocupacional
The Environmental and Occupational Health research group includes pulmonologists, biologists, toxicologists, engineers, occupational physicians, ergonomists, environmental and public health professionals with different background profiles mainly from ENSP and Évora University. The main purpose is the identification and exposure assessment of occupational and environmental hazards and its impact on health/disease of general population and workers. We have conducted research on the major environmental hazards such as air pollution and climate change, considered a ubiquitous and complex exposure associated with both short term and long-term health effects. We have also been studying exposure to chemical contaminants (e.g. metals and endocrine disrupted compounds), biological factors as allergens, bacteria and moulds in different exposure scenarios (e.g. general population, consumers, workers, susceptible groups) which can also influence the human health. In some cases, these studies allowed the identification of the main exposure sources contributing for the identification of the most suitable preventive and control measures. Finally, we have been addressing physical factors such as UV radiation, temperature, and radioactivity. To sum-up, our Research Group plan to continue to contribute toward a scientific basis for supporting evidence generated policies, guidelines and best practices that lead to improved occupational health and population well-being. To achieve this, our researchers will pursue the focus on understanding the relationship between exposure and disease, studying exposure in detail, evaluating clinical and population health interventions and providing scientific information to support decisions for workers, employers, policymakers, regulatory bodies and health care providers and institutions.