Andreia Isabel Capucho dos Santos
PhD student in Public Health (Epidemiology), Master in Physiotherapy in the area of Musculoskeletal Conditions taught in partnership by the Escola Superior de Saúde do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal (ESS-IPS), Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública and NOVA Medical School, and graduated in Physiotherapy by ESS-IPS.
At this moment I feel that I have a strength of vision and commitment to expand and share knowledge in the field of Public Health research. The reasons that govern me are, above all, scientific and professional. Since I feel deeply committed to the objectives of the United Nations 2030, for the Sustainable development of Health with Quality, in this commitment, my interest in Public Health and Epidemiology topics stands out. The motivation and source of inspiration for this stage of my life is because I am a very committed, persistent, critical, and motivated person.
Throughout my professional career, I developed skills in various areas in Physiotherapy, Research, Clinical Education, Organizational, Coordination, Project Management and Content Management.
In terms of intervention as a Physiotherapist in the last decade, I have worked essentially in Chronic Pain in a private context. In my approach, I consider it important to help users to give them skills to deal with the limitations imposed by their clinical condition. There is a need for a paradigm shift in physiotherapy. Adopting positive behaviors and beliefs is conducive to health and is closely linked to recovery. Therefore, I intend to help users face the new reality, strengthening the physical area of the problem and reinforcing a positive attitude in the face of adversity.