The CHRC participates in several projects within the scope of research in health and wellbeing. Our global focus is to apply scientific knowledge to solving societal problems and improve people's lives.
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LOCUS: LOng Covid – Understanding Symptoms, events and use of services in Portugal
Active and Mindful
Equity-Cancer - Improving equity in access to early diagnosis of cancer: implementation research in different healthcare systems of Latin America
KneeCare@Home: Home exercise-based rehabilitation program following surgical reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament
SOS Food
DRIVE-MAS - Implementation of a behavioural and indicator-based antimicrobial stewardship strategy and expert advice for a more appropriate use of antimicrobials in Europe
DESERT - Diet and Exercise Strategies for Equity in Rural Territories
CANTE – Do Conceito à Abordagem Uma Só Saúde
MACUSTAR – Intermediate AMD:Development of Novel Clinical Endpoints for Clinical Trials in Patients with a Regulatory and Patient Access Intention
AI-Prognosis: Artificial intelligence-based Parkinson's disease risk assessment and prognosis
EU Cost Action FOSTREN - Fostering a Collaborative Strengths-based Approach to Eliminating Coercion in European Mental Health Services
Matter – Perinatal Mental Health
ELEVATE - Early detection of cervical cancer in hard-to-reach populations of women through portable and point-of-care HPV testing
PAFSE - Partnerships for Science Education
RunUp Study - Motor Competence and Nutritional Status in Childhood
OSCAR: vOice Screening of CoronA viRus
CT-Luso Clinical Trials
VA|Prevention - Diabetes Research
HealthyW8: Empowering Healthy Lifestyle Behaviour
HE@RT.FIT – Sustainability of traditional and live-streaming exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation in low-risk patients with cardiovascular disease
Fast Track Covid - Research for a national screening strategy for exposure to SARS-CoV-2
Reforming the reform: an evidence-based financing model for the Portuguese primary care (REF2PRIM)
E3UDRES2 - Engaged and Entrepreneurial European University as Driver for European Smart and Sustainable Regions
LEAVES: optimizing the mentaL health and resiliencE of older Adults that haVe lost thEir spouSe via blended, online therapy
PrevOccupAI - Artificial Intelligence Applied to the Prevention of Work-related Diseases in Public Administration
PRO Reuma Initiative: collecting patient-reported outcomes using touchscreen technology
Erasmus+ Training of educators for transfer of transversal skills
Projeto Erasmus+ Additional support and Mediated learning in Inclusive education
COVID, Sleep, Health, Habits
DigiAdherence – supporting senior people at home
PrevOcupAI - Prevention of occupational disorders in public administration based on artificial intelligence
PREDICT - Personalized therapy for RhEumatic DIseases via machine learning
Revolutionizing Healthcare: Empowering patients by valuing innovation and promoting entrepreneurship: Patient2Entrepreneurship
Um sistema inteligente para melhorar a segurança do doente e acompanhamento remoto pós-alta em cirurgia cardiotorácica
Activage - CUFIoT4AHA
Fast Track Covid
Diagnóstico de Saúde da população servida pelas IPSS associadas da CNIS
IMPACT-HTA: Improved methods and actionable tools for enhancing Health Technology Assessment
FrailCare.AI - Intelligent frailty pathways for the Portuguese elderly population and impact analysis of the telecare service SNS24 Proximidade Sénior
Clinical performance and critical cardiac patient: Lean methodology and clinical simulation, innovation in health care
Estudo da Base de Dados da Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados Integrados
Multidisciplinary functional evaluation of cough
Projeto de apoio científico e supervisão das Equipas de Intervenção de Proximidade da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa
COST Action – “The European Researchers' Network Working on Second Victims- ERNST
MHRights – Integrated Programme for the promotion of human rights of Persons with mental disorders
Population Health Information Research Infrastructure (PHIRI)
CA19133- EU Cost Action FOSTREN - Fostering a Collaborative Strengths-based Approach to Eliminating Coercion in European Mental Health Services
Joint Action Health Equities Europe (JAHEE)
COnhecer Mais PaRa Intervir MElhor – COMPRIME
PrimaryCare@COVID-19: Digital Platform for Supporting Chronic Patients and COVID-19 consultations and Monitoring in Primary Care
Produção e financiamento hospitalar no período pós-pandemia
O Impacto do uso da carboximaltose férrica na otimização da Hemoglobina pré-operatória no Patient Blood Management em hospitais portugueses
Caracterização do impacto no internamento hospitalar da doença vascular de 2010 a 2019
Avaliação do Desafio Stop Infeção Hospitalar!
Avaliação do Projeto de Prescrição Social em Unidades de Saúde Familiar em Lisboa
Index de Acesso à Inovação 2019
Perfil de Saúde, Determinantes e Utilização dos Serviços de Saúde da população do Município de Odivelas: contributos para o Planeamento e Intervenção em Saúde por parte dos atores municipais
Perfil de Saúde, Determinantes e Utilização dos Serviços de Saúde da população do Município de Torres Vedras: contributos para o Planeamento e Intervenção em Saúde por parte dos atores municipais
Boas Escolhas, Melhor Saúde
Barómetro Covid-19 Opinião Social: Conhecer, Decidir e Agir. Os Portugueses, a Covid-19 e as Respostas do Serviço Nacional de Saúde
Gut microbiota, "Spark and Flame" of COVID-19 disease
Fatores de risco para infeção por SARS-CoV-2 em Portugal: um estudo caso-controlo de âmbito regional (ARSLVT)
HIV360 - HIV Core Outcome Set
The triad microbiota, immunity and recurrent pregnancy loss
Endometrial Natural Killer cells in recurrent pregnancy loss: a characterization by flow cytometry
“IoMum” Iodine status Monitoring in PortUguese pregnant woMen: impact of supplementation
Persistence of specific humoral and cellular immunity in children after SARS-CoV-2 infection
Endometrial Lymphocytic Populations in idiopathic Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Impact of HIV-1 genetic diversity in immunodeficiency
Uterine Electromyography Processing for Preterm Delivery - Risk Evaluation
Genetic causes of immune-dysregulation in early-onset Type 1 diabetes
Imunomodulação na Pancreatite Aguda
Reprogramming inflammatory follicular T cells (Tfhi): from the clinic to precision immunotherapies
Decoding immunometabolism to thwart HIV-1 follicular reservoir
Financiamento do VIH no continuum do percurso da pessoa com doença
National register for the study of central precocious puberty- multi-centric, prospective study of the prevalence, etiology, therapy and follow-up of CPP
G6PD deficiency and possible association of hearing loss or absence of speech in São Tomé e Príncipe
The burden and costs of refractory depression
Excitabilidade cortical e a sua modulação, in vivo, na Perturbação Depressiva Major
Father's presence in pregnancy surveillance: couple's perspective
Lysosome dysfunction in age-related diseases
MECHAPP - alterações metabólicas em doentes com primeiros episódiso psicóticos tratados com antipsicóticos: um estudo observacional
PsiPROSPER - A multicenter retrospective study to analyse the impact of treatment with paliperidone palmitate on clinical outcomes and hospital resource utilization in adult patients with schizophrenia in Portugal
DEP-CARE - Dementia in Primary Care: The Patient, the Carer and the Doctor in the Medical Encounter
Osteoarthritis and Adherence to Mediterranean Diet
Prevalence of Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) and performance evaluation of a PsA screening Questionnaire in the population of Portuguese patients with Psoriasis followed in a Dermatology setting (CheckAP)
Personalized therapy for RhEumatic DIseases via machine learning (PREDICT)
Improving Osteoporosis Treatment Adherence using ICTs: The Healthy Bone Program
Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis in Portugal: characterization of the population, current management and outcomes
No + Fracture Portugal Fracture Clinics Network Implementation
Check AP - Prevalence of Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) and performance evaluation of a PsA screening Questionnaire in the population of Portuguese patients with Psoriasis followed in a Dermatology setting
SPLIT – Tratamento estratificado para indivíduos com dor lombar nos cuidados de saúde primários
SARA - SPLIT Application for Remote Rehabilitation
MyBack - Efetividade e implementação de um programa de autogestão personalizado para prevenir recorrências e incapacidade e promover a saúde músculo-esquelética em utentes com lombalgia
UrbanTB: From symptoms to diagnosis of Urban Tuberculosis, considering individual and contextual factors. What are the determinants and critical points of this delay?
Early recognition of cardiac injury associated with COVID-19 and clinical outcomes
Heparina de baixo peso molecular no tratamento da restrição de crescimento fetal precoce
ARCO - Alentejo Region Applied Research for COVID-19
Finnee - From spectra to formulas
FOIE GRAS: Bioenergetic Remodelling in the Pathophysiology and Treatment of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Quadro temporário relativo a medidas de auxílio estatal em apoio da economia no atual contexto do surto de covid-19
Ventilador de emergência minimalista por pressão controlada para COVID-19
CONCORDIA: avaliação das principais preocupações da pessoa com Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 na gestão da doença e fatores mais valorizados na consulta
Dieta Mediterrânica Promove Saúde (MEDITA)
Customized Human Milk Fortification Based on Measured Human Milk Composition to Improve the Quality of Growth in Very Preterm Infants: A Mixed-Cohort Study Protocol
cLabel+: “Alimentos inovadores “clean label” naturais, nutritivos e orientados para o consumidor”
VITACOV: Vitamin D-related polymorphisms and vitamin D levels as risk biomarkers of COVID-19 infection severity
MONET: Unravelling Microbiota-gut-brain axis paintings in obesity-associated Neuroinflammation: the blackbErry signaTure study
InDEPENDEnt/Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant
COVID-19 pandemic: the social distance at the school playground and its effects on children’s social-emotional competence and physical activity
Outdoor-oriented Practices in Early Childhood Education Project
UniverCIDADE VI – Programa de Desenvolvimento Desportivo
Academias do Conhecimento Gulbenkian OUT-TO-IN
Intestinal colonization in newborn infants with enterostomy
Efeitos de dois programas de intervenção nos fatores de risco de queda em idosos residentes na comunidade: programa de intervenção psicomotora versus programa de intervenção psicomotora combinada com exercício vibratório
CNIS_2019_2020 - Estudo “Projeto de INTERVENÇÃO COMPLEXA: As respostas sociais no percurso de cuidados à Pessoa com Dependência”
Análise e desenho modelo PIC HESE interoperabilidade e Taxonomia de Cuidados
ETIC (end-of-life trajectories in care) – Managing end-of-life trajectories in palliative care: a study on the work of healthcare professionals
Projeto 4IE + - Instituto Internacional de Investigação e Inovação do Envelhecimento
CIE - Centro Internacional sobre el Envejecimiento
PSL - Pograma para una Sociedade Longeva
aN Eu Curriculum for chef gasTro-engineering in primAry food care
ESACA - Ageing Safely in Alentejo. Understanding for Action
MicroSpA & MicroRA: The role of microbiome on biological therapy efficacy in axial Spondyloarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis - a new paradigm
InDEPENDEnt/Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant
Literacia em Saúde na prevenção de doenças crónicas (Diabetes)
Concilia.UE - Promover e Desenvolver a Conciliação da Vida Profissional, Pessoal e Familiar na Universidade de Évora
Literacia em Saúde da população do Ensino Superior: Desafios em Portugal
Integração de Imigrantes como Estratégia de Desenvolvimento Global: Evidência Experimental para Portugal e Cabo Verde
ELEVATE: Early detection of cervical cancer in hard-to-reach population of woman through portable and point-of-care HPV testing
Violência nas relações de intimidade em tempos de Covid-19: desigualdades de género e (novos) contornos da violência doméstica? (VD@Covid19)
Literacia em Saúde, Promoção da Saúde e Coesão Social em Populações Migrantes: Prevenção de Doenças Não-Transmissíveis
Relacionamentos, Stress e Agressão em tempos de Covid-19 em Portugal: novos contornos na violência doméstica e desigualdades de género? (RSA Covid-19)
European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU)
MycoClimaChange – Exposure to mycotoxins in a climate change scenario
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