Carolina Santos

Assistant Professor, National School of Public Health (ENSP), NOVA University of Lisbon (UNL). Coordinator of the postgraduate course in project management applied to healthcare, lecturing “Project Management Theory”, “Financial and Risk Assessment in Projects", "Agile and Project Management Tools", "Individual and Organizational Skills in Project Management" and "International Cooperation”. Carolina lectures “project management”, "entrepreneurhip & health", “health action and planning strategies” in several courses of ENSP-NOVA. Dr. Carolina also teaches project management in several schools of NOVA, being responsible for two project management courses at NOVA Doctoral School and for the Project Management module at the Startup Research Program, a postgraduate course co-organized between ITQB-NOVA & NOVA-SBE. She has been supporting several students on developing ideas and solutions that meet the needs of the healthcare market and challenges imposed by the pandemic. Dr. Carolina is Project Management certified by the International Project Management Association (IPMA) and Portuguese Association of Project Management (APOGEP). She holds a PhD in Public Health, specialization in Policy, Management and Health Administration, and MSc in Health Management, both from ENSP. From 2014 is part of the organizing and scientific committees of ProjMAN (International Conference on Project Management), HCIST (International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies) and from 2016 integrates de Social Bodies of the Portuguese Association for the Promotion of Public Health. From 2021 coordinates "Partnerships for Science Education" project", funded under H2020 programme, topic SwafS-01-2018-2019-2020 - Open schooling and collaboration on science education. She is an integrated member of CISP-CHRC. Her main fields of expertise and publication are success in project management and public health education.