Isaura Serra
Isaura da Conceição Cascalho Serra - Nurse Specialist in Community Nursing, in the area of Elderly Health; Master in Socio-Organizational Intervention in Health, with a specialization area in Health Services Management and Administration Policies; holder of the title of Specialist in the area of Nursing, for teaching and accepted as a Recognized Specialist of Merit by the Scientific-Technical Council of the S. João de Deus School of Nursing of the University of Évora. Adjunct professor at the S. João de Deus School of Nursing of the University of Évora (ESESJD/UÉ) since 2011. Currently holds the positions of Director of the Postgraduate Course in Advanced Wound Intervention, member of the General Council of the University of Évora; member of the Scientific-Technical Council of ESESJD/UÉ and Vice President of the School Assembly. Preferred research areas: Community and Public Health Nursing, Family; Informal Caregivers; Integrated Continuous Care; Palliative Care; Dementia; Approach to the Person with a Complex Wound.