Joana Pires

Degree in Nursing (IPS.ESS), Master in Public Health (UNL.ENSP), Master in Nursing with a specialty in Mental and Psychiatric Health (IPS.ESS).
Since 2018 she has been working in the area of substance use, specifically harm reduction. She worked at GAT IN-Mouraria and co-coordinate the Mobile Drug Consumption Room in Lisbon (GAT/MdM), the first drug consumption room in the country.
She has collaborated and worked on some national projects in the area of overdoses, safer injecting education, chemsex and sexualized drug use, and LGBTQI+ health.
She is on the board of the International Nurses Society on Addictions Portugal (IntNSA) (2022-2025).
She is currently a research fellow at NOVA National School of Public Health, in Comprehensive Health Research Center, CHRC.