Manuel de Sousa Almeida

Manuel de Sousa Almeida


Manuel de Sousa Almeida  is an Assistant Professor of Pathophysiology at NOVA Medical School. PhD in Medicine in 2019 by NOVA Medical School, post-graduation in Health Care Management (PGOM 3 ed. Catolica Lisbon School of Business & Economics, 2004) and graduated in Medicine in 1992 by Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa. Elected Member of the NOVA Medical School Scientific Council in 2021. Senior Assistant (Specialist in Cardiology and Sub-Specialist in Interventional Cardiology) at Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental EPE, and current Director of Cardiovascular Interventional Unit and Director of Centre for Reference in Structural and Cardiovascular Intervention, at the same Centre. Associated Editor of Portuguese Journal of Cardiology. A researcher in 38 international multicentre studies, 8 as a Principal Investigator and one as National Coordinator. A Published 111 articles in specialized medical journals and 328 papers in conference proceedings and was involved in the organization of 20 scientific events. Its main area on scientific interest is atherosclerosis, blood pressure and cardiogenic shock.