Maria Margarida Goes

Maria Margarida Goes


Margarida Goes holds a Ph.D. in Nursing, specializing in Advanced Nursing, from the Portuguese Catholic University and a Master in Human Ecology from Évora University. She also holds a degree in Nursing from Beja Polytechnic Institute and an Organization and Business Management degree from the Moderna University of Lisbon. She holds the Professional Title of Nurse Specialist in Medical-Surgical Nursing in the nursing field to the person in chronic situation, with advanced skills in Clinical Supervision. She is an Integrated Researcher at the Comprehensive Health Research Centre (CHRC).  She is currently an Adjunct Professor at the São João de Deus Nursing School of Évora University. She has published 14 articles in scientific journals. She has co-authored 22 book chapters.   Her research interests include mainly: Aging, Quality of Life, Functionality, Self-care, Integrated Care, and Satisfaction with nursing care.