Nancy Brígida

In 2023 started as a PhD student in Human Motricity at the University of Évora, completed a Master's degree in Physical Activity and Health in January 2023 and a degree in Sport, Physical Condition and Health in July 2020 by Superior Sports School of Rio Maior - Polytechnic University of Santarém, and in 2016 obtained a diploma in Osteopathy. Invited Assistant at the Polytechnic University of Santarém. Collaborating member of the Life Quality Research Center (CIEQV) and the SPRINT-Sport Physical Activity & Health Research & Innovation Center. Published 3 articles in journals. Has 5 book section(s). 3 posters and 1 abstract in Conferences. Organized 5 events. Participated in 2 events. Received 1 award and/or honorable mention. Participates and/or has participated as a researcher in 1 project(s). Works in the area(s) of Motor Control, Learning and Development, and Physical Exercise in Health. The most frequent terms in her curriculum vitae are: Dynamical Systems; Nonlinear Analysis; Children; Motor Learning; Motor Behavior; Entropy; Recurrence Analysis; Variability; Gait; FTT; Postural Control.