Rui Jorge Raimundo

Rui Jorge Raimundo


I have a degree in Biology, a Master’s in Management and Environmental Policies and a Doctorate in Biology from the University of Évora. I was a Research Assistant at the Center for Ecology and Environment at the University of Évora while collaborating with the Department of Biology at the same institution. During my professional career, I have participated and managed several projects of national and international scope, including a Chair in Biodiversity (Rui Nabeiro Chair) and later I spent about 5 years teaching in a university in Angola (UMA) where I was the director of the Biology course. In recent years I have been managing a LIFE project called “LIFE LINES Networks of Linear Structures with ecological solutions” and managing the projects of the Unimed office (Mediterranean Universities Network) and its sub-network “Food and water” located at ICAAM (Institute of Mediterranean Agrarian and Environmental Sciences) at the University of Évora. Recently I was managing projects at Dinamia-CET, ISCTE-IUL's research center in Lisbon, and I am currently responsible for the "Funding office" of the CHRC - Comprehensive Health Research Center. Areas of interest: Science Management. Project management. Entomology