CHRC researcher wins the FLAD Science Award Mental Health
Manuela Silva, researcher and coordinator of the Lisbon Institute of Global Mental Health and researcher at CHRC, is the winner of the 2nd edition of the FLAD Science Award Mental Health of the Luso-American Development Foundation. Her project - Effectiveness of the Critical Time Intervention-Task Shifting (CTI-TS) model for persons with serious mental illness discharged from inpatient psychiatric treatment facilities in Portugal - won the highest award in the area of Mental Health in Portugal, €300.000. It will allow the development of Manuela’s innovative project.
The project will be carried out through a randomized, monitored clinical trial which main goal is to test the effectiveness and possibility of implementation in Portugal at the level of psychological intervention for people with severe mental illness in the post-hospitalization period.
There’s a failure in the follow-up of post-hospitalization mental health care in Portugal, which leads to a large percentage of patients being hospitalized again before the first post-hospitalization appointment. The researcher Manuela Silva will carry out a clinical trial that aims to test a system of intervention implemented in the United States, United Kingdom and Australia. Two-person teams are created to accompany these patients for 9 months.
Read the article in full here:
Image credits: FLAD