CHRC researchers as Guest Editors of a Special Issue of Children Journal

CHRC researchers as Guest Editors of a Special Issue of Children Journal

CHRC researchers from University of Évora and Guest Editors of the special Issue "Child Psychomotricity: Development, Assessment, and Intervention” of Children Journal from MDPI are looking for contributions inside research works within the scope of child psychomotricity, in either the rehabilitational, therapeutic or educational fields.

The main topic of this Special Issue is based on the study of the interactions between psychic functions, motor (and biological) functions, and motor behavior (gestures, posture, attitude, physical activity, motor skills). In spite of the growing recognition of psychomotor profession, there’s still work to do. It is crucial to gather more scientific evidence that benefits psychomotricity. The main goal is to “present the research within the scope of child psychomotricity, in either the rehabilitational, therapeutic, or educational fields”, so you are invited to make your contribution for this Special Issue.

This Special Issue has CHRC researchers as Guest Editors: Ana Rita Matias, Gabriela Almeida, Guida Veiga and José Francisco Marmeleira, all professors in University of Évora.

To know about the potential topics that are being looked for this Special Issue and the information to submit your article, please access here:



Andreia Santos


José Marmeleira

Gabriela Almeida

Ana Rita Matias

Guida Veiga