Special Issue on Frontiers has Marília Silva Paulo as Topic Editor

Special Issue on Frontiers has Marília Silva Paulo as Topic Editor

The Special Issue from Medicine journal (Frontiers) “Knowledge, Attitudes and Perceptions of Healthcare Professionals and Health Professions Studentes Towards Vaccionations and Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions” has the NOVA Medical School and CHRC researcher Marília Silva Paulo as Topic Editor, along with Alberto Modenese from University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy). 

This research topic came with the intention of modifying perspectives and resistance from Healthcare workers (HCW) and health professions students (HPS) at occupational risk regarding vaccination campaigns, a behavior that was especially observed during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted some issues related to the attitudes and perceptions towards these preventive measures, especially vaccinations: the infodemic spread several non-scientifically based information e.g. on vaccines' safety, undermining proper public health risk communication campaigns.”

But this is not a recent problem. The pandemic highlighted an issue that already happened before for other infectious risks, for exemple the anti-flu vaccine. The adherence rates among HCW are largely insufficient.

Therefore, the research topic of this Special Issue is specially addressed to change the perspectives of prevention from Healthcare workers (HCW) and health professions students (HPS) at occupational risk through implementation of specific vaccination campaigns and non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs).

To find out more details and goals about this research topic, you can access the Special Issue through here: https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/53850/knowledge-attitudes-and-perceptions-of-healthcare-professionals-and-health-professions-students-towards-vaccinations-and-non-pharmaceutical-interventions



Andreia Santos


Marília Silva Paulo