Study carried out by CHRC researchers was submitted in the 9th CIAFD Congress

Study carried out by CHRC researchers was submitted in the 9th CIAFD Congress

André Bento and DEAN of ESDH from University of Évora, Prof. Armando Raimundo, both integrated researchers at CHRC, saw their study “Mediation effect of fitness on the relationship of physical activity with body composition in physical education classes: findings from a rct” submitted in the panel “Physical Activity and Health” of the 9th CIAFD – International Congress of Physical Activity and Sports. 

We spoke with CHRC researcher André Bento who explained what this study is about.

“In a modern society, with an economic development and dietary changes, high-calorie foods are consumed more among adolescents, leading to a significant increase in juvenile obesity and a positive energy balance. Despite the numerous benefits of regular Physical Activity (PA), western children and adolescents spend a lot of time in sedentary behaviors, a scenario that has worsened in the last decades. WHO suggests that this population should achieve at least an average of 60 minutes per day of moderate to vigorous PA and limit sedentary time and as a good practice, recommends: any PA is better than none. Every movement counts, says the World Health Organization. There are few studies showing the association between PA and the development of physical ability in children and adolescents. As far as we know, no study has formally tested the mediating role of physical ability or caloric consumption in the relationship between PA and body composition in Physical Education classes. We intended to research the relationship between PA and health-related Physical Ability in adolescents, and to analyze whether the associations of PA with body composition in adolescents are mediated by Physical Ability or caloric intake.”

The 9th CIAFD congress took place in early June at the Polytechnic Institute of Beja.

Access to the full study here:




Andreia Santos


Armando Raimundo

André Bento