“Unlock” platform launch promoted by ENSP-NOVA

“Unlock” platform launch promoted by ENSP-NOVA

As part of the research carried out by researchers from Comprehensive Health Research Center – ENSP-NOVA, the National School of Public Health of University NOVA of Lisbon launched the initiative “UNLOCK – Ativar Literacia em Saúde e Mudança Social”on last September 22. 

This event could count with many important presences like Graça Freitas, Director-General of Health, José Pedroso, Director-General of Education, Alexandre Quintanilha, deputy of the Assembly of the Republic and President of the School Board of ENSP-NOVA and Richard Osborne, from World Health Organization Consultant for the Development of Health Literacy who spoke about Health Literacy.

At the end of the day, the event had the presence of Healthy Neighborhoods Programme, the National Association of Pharmacies, Apifarma, the SNS Foundation, the National Federation of Youth Associations, the Portuguese Association of Hospital Administrators and the National Association of Public Health Physicians to talk about their vision on the theme

UNLOCK is a multidisciplinary and collaborative platform promoted by ENSP-NOVA, integrated within the scope of the CHRC, with the mission of involving people, organizations and communities to activate resources and co-create solutions with social and health impact.



Andreia Santos