Welcome to the 5th CHRC Annual Summit
The 5th edition of the most important event of the year for the CHRC will happen on the 23rd and 24th of September 2024, and will take place once more at the historic Palácio D. Manuel in Évora.
As the 1st CHRC’s journey is coming to an end, the motto of this edition will be about the future of our Research Centre, whether in its structures, organization, or in its lines of research. The CHRC is under the evaluation of the Research Units during this year and a new funding cycle will take place in 2025.
“I invite you to participate in the 5th edition of the CHRC Annual Summit and get to know the new organization and our new proposals for research lines and activities. The Annual Meeting is an extraordinary opportunity to meet, debate ideas, present work and projects, develop ties and affirm the CHRC Research Unit as a community of excellence.” – message from the CHRC Coordinator, Helena Canhão.
Registration, abstract submissions and the Provisional Program are now available!
Call for abstracts (until June 10, 2024) - https://www.chrcam.uevora.pt/formato-de-resumo/
Registrations: https://www.chrcam.uevora.pt/inscricoes/
Provisional Program: https://www.chrcam.uevora.pt/programa/
Join us as we celebrate the past, present and future of CHRC on the 23rd and 24th of September in Évora!