Active and Mindful

Active and Mindful

Funding Entity European Commission

Financed Amount 60.000€

Consortium Universidade de Évora-Portugal;Asociación de Familiares y Afectados de Esclerosis Múltiple de Burgos (AFAEM)-Espanha,SPEM - Sociedade Portuguesa de Esclerose Múltipla-Portugal

Start date 2024-01-01

Final date 2025-12-31


The Active & Mindul project (Erasmus+ Sports program) aims to improve physical activity levels, promote health and improve the quality of life of people with multiple sclerosis (PwMS). This project aims to reach people residing in both Portugal and Spain, through digital means and to have a holistic approach that aims to have an impact on the physical and mental dimensions of the individual. It is a strategy to overcome barriers to the practice of physical activity, such as lack of information, few programs adapted to specific symptoms and difficulties inherent in carrying out an intervention in facilities designed to carry out physical and therapeutic exercise (e.g. financial difficulties or displacement).

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