Project Reference AAL/0008/2020
Funding Entity FCT, I.P + AAL
Financed Amount 85.851€
Consortium Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS, Mag. Andreas Raffeiner GmbH, Medizinische Universität Wien, Pryv SA, Comprehensive Health Research Centre
Start date 2021-04-01
Final date 2024-02-29
The objective for the project stems from the increase in the number of patients with rheumatic conditions and the difficulties in accompanying patients’ symptoms, in both clinical care and drug trials. Existing solutions are not cost-effective, since they are:
- restricted to self-reported data, leaving behind digital endpoints;
- difficult to use by patients, which affects mostly older adults with less ICT experience;
- targets specific care focuses (e.g. clinical care OR drug trials) disregarding the ecosystem nature of care;
- are not focused on rheumatic diseases.
COTIDIANA project will be co-designed with end-users and stakeholders. The project starts with ethnographic and participatory research with with patients, clinicians, as well as with a broad group of stakeholders which include clinical researchers, people from Pharma, or Clinical Research Organizations. Laboratory data collections with patients will also be planned and performed, for training passive sensing algorithms and crafting digital endpoints. In parallel, the project will develop a mobile app for patients and a web app for clinicians and clinical researchers. The developed solution will be assessed in three field trials, one of which focused on technological feasibility and the two others focused on clinical care and clinical research or drug trials.
At this point, we are working mostly with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis, some of the most common rheumatic conditions. In Austria we will involve people with Sjögren Syndrome.