Data Centre
The CHRC Data Centre aims to facilitate data collection and storage from large epidemiological and clinical studies for R&D. The Centre will have one delegation in each management unit, coordinated by NOVA Medical School. UE will explore high performance data analytics and artificial intelligence using local supercomputer facilities (e.g. the OBLIVION Supercomputer and the VISION and ORION Clusters); CHRC will establish a protocol with the High Performance Computing Chair to use this structure as a data collection, storage, management and processing platform, according with FAIR principles, so all CHRC projects' data will be centralized. Researchers will be supported by 3 FTE specialized in quantitative methods, statistical and epidemiological analyses. CHRC is deploying pipelines to unify clinical data from multiple sources into a single, consolidated repository, and supported by a data governance plan to ensure proper data stewardship. By harmonizing data from different sources, these pipelines will contribute to realize the full potential of data-driven medicine, improving patient outcomes and fostering innovation.