CHRC present at the international meeting of the TETRA-S project in Cyprus
On the 5th and 6th of September, professors from the University of Évora and CHRC researchers, Adelinda Candeias and research fellow Adriana Félix, were present at the 4th Transnational Project Meeting of the TETRA-S project in Larnaca, Cyprus.
At this meeting, the development work on the MOOC (that was developed through this project) was carried out, including the planning for the final year of the TETRA-S project.
Also during this meeting, it was possible to visit the school of Lazaros AMEA Centre Larnaca, dedicated to providing educational activities for children with special needs, where it was possible to meet the school's teachers and professionals, with the aim of learning about the good practices, intervention and work implemented in Cyprus. Some school music therapy activities and activities with the art teacher were carried out, in order to understand the work and results it has on school students as children with special needs.
The main objective of TETRA-S project is to develop new methods of transferring transversal skills in people with cognitive impairment, enabling them to have a successful social inclusion process, promoting well-being and quality of life. And also to enhance the transfer of these skills in the daily life of these people.
In addition to the CHRC representation at this meeting, were also present the partners Groep Ubuntu - vzw Ubuntu Achtkanter (Belgium), EUROCY (Cyprus), European Network of Social Authorities (Italy), IVASS (Spain) and NARHU (Bulgaria).