2nd cicle of "Gerontology, Health and Wellness" Webinars
With the aim of promoting the dissemination of scientific topics on the aging process among the professional community and promoting collective awareness of the main challenges facing the study of Aging and its impacts on Health and Well-Being, the Postgraduate Course in Gerontology and Health and the Department of Medical Sciences of the School of Health and Human Development, along with CHRC with the support of C-TRAIL are developing Webinars on "Gerontology, Health and Wellness".
The 2nd cicle of Webinars will take place between April and June, in which transdisciplinary themes will be addressed to the Aging Process, Health and Well-being, involving Speakers and Commentators from the areas of Medicine, Nursing, Psychiatry, Psychology, Sociology, Psychogerontology and Neurology.
Make your registration. It is free and 100% online: http://bit.ly/42ACyxJ
Program: bit.ly/434oZXD