Seminar on Therapeutic Innovation – innovative medicines: factors that determines the access
The CHRC invites you to attend the Seminar "Therapeutic innovation – innovative medicines: : factors that determines...
1st Biotechnology Symposium of the University of Évora
The CHRC invites you to be present at this symposium, on December 16th, at the Colégio Luis António Verney Building...
Seminar "Pharmaceutical consultation in Oncology" | 9 Dez
The CHRC presents the Seminar on Pharmaceutical consultation in Oncology, which will be presented by João Pedro...
Seminar on Advanced RSL Studies and Meta-Analysis in Health I
CHRC would like to invite you to participate in the next Workshop “Advanced RSL Studies Seminar and...
Mathematics Webinar | Data Modelling, AI, and Health: Bridging Models and Insights in Epidemiologym, Biostatistics and Medical Imaging
Jorge Mendes from NOVA Medical School and CHRC, is the chair and organizer of the webinar “Mathematics Webinar |...
Sónia Dias receives the 17th European Public health Conference 2024 as Scientific Chair
Between the 11th and 15th of November, Lisbon will host the 17th European Public health Conference 2024, being the...
Final Conference of PAFSE – Partnerships for Science Education | July 12, 2024
On July 12, 2024, the final conference of...
Public Discussion based on the Curricular Unit “Thesis Project” - PhD Program in Sciences and Technology on Health and Well-being
NOVA University of Lisbon, University of Évora and CHRC are organizing a Public Discussion based on the Curricular...
Seminar "Behavioral Economics for Chronic Disease Prevention"
The Seminar "Behavioral Economics for Chronic Disease Prevention" will take place at the National...
CIAA 2024 - International Congress of Aquatic Activities
The aquatic environment is an excellent way of developing educational and sporting activities, as well as...
Presentation’s Session of the CoLAB TRIALS in Évora | April 17, 2024
On April 17, 2024, the CoLAB TRIALS presentation session will take place in Évora, having as speakers the Executive...
Research in Health Sciences: From Research to Analytical Report Seminar
March 12, 2024 | 14h00 | OnlineThe construction of evaluation instruments, as well as the result’s...
Seminar on Gerontology, Health and Wellbeing
This Seminar is held within the scope of the Postgraduate Course in Gerontology and Health Gerontology supervised by...
CHRC Talks #6 - Boosting Environmental Health Research in CHRC - ENSP-NOVA
In this session, Prof. Susan Viegas will present the ongoing vibrant (inter)national research at the Enviornmental...
CIAA 2024 - International Congress of Aquatic Activities
The aquatic environment is an excellent way of developing educational and sporting activities, as well as...
CHRC Talks #5 - Applications of value-based healthcare to the implementation of digital health interventions
On the next December 15, at 14h00, it will be hold the 5th online session of the CHRC Talks - Applications of...
International CHRC Workshop - My Best Friend, My Surrogate: Pets as Sentinels of Human Health
CHRC and the University of Évora are organizing the International Workshop “My best friend, my surrogate: Pets as...
The online seminar Communication of Risks Applied to Occupational and Environmental...
Workshop "Meta-Analysis in Health " | November 29, 2023
A new Workshop on “Meta-Analysis in Health” is being organized by CHRC research members. It will...
CHRC Talks #4 - Accounting For Doctors’ And Patients’ Perceptions In Telehealth Services Implementation
October 27, 2023 | 12h00Zoom Link: <a href="" target="_blank"...
CHRC Talks #3
Implementation of new models of service delivery to support value-based care in musculoskeletal...
Introductory Training in Expressive Arts Therapy, Trauma and Embodiment
November 17 – 19, 2023 | Universidade de ÉvoraThe University of Évora, in a protocol with...
CHRC Talks premieres on June 30
CHRC is pleased to announce that the CHRC Talks will premiere on the next June...
Training in Teamwork and Conflict Management | CHRC Education & Training
On the 28th of June 2023, the CHRC Education & Training office will offer to the CHRC members a training on...
Transformation of Data, Information and Knowledge Training
Date: June 1, 2023Online & In-Person | Location: Sala de Docentes do Colégio Espírito Santo,...
ENTR Talks | RTP | ESDH UÉvora
The School of Health and Human Development from University of Évora will host the ENTR Talks. The...
Fronteiras da Economia da Saúde
The Portuguese Association of Health Economics and Comprehensive Health Research Center will hold a session called...
2nd cicle of "Gerontology, Health and Wellness" Webinars
With the aim of promoting the dissemination of scientific topics on the aging process among the professional...
Workshop “People living with multimorbidity: what are their needs and how can we improve their healthcare?"
NOVA Medical School and CHRC are organizing the workshop “People living with multimorbidity: what are their needs...
CHRC joins the Science and Art Mission project in Évora
The School of Nursing of São João de Deus along with School of Health and Human Development and Comprehensive Health...
Biomedical Sciences Seminar
On November 24, at 9h00, Colégio Luís Verney of the University of Évora will host a cycle of seminars within the...
Impacts and lessons learned in implementing Needs-Based Planning models for mental health services and systems
This seminar focus on the impacts and lessons learned in implementing Needs-Based Planning models for mental...
3rd CHRC Annual Summit happens next November 3 and 4!
The annual meeting of CHRC researchers and members is getting closer and will take place in person at the MMM...
University of Évora and CHRC will host the “International Graphonomics Society” in 2023
For the first time in Portugal, from 19 to 23 June next year, a conference of the International Graphonomics Society...
UNLOCK – Ativar Literacia em Saúde e Mudança Social
As part of the research carried out by researchers from Comprehensive Health Research Center – ENSP-NOVA, the...
"Mixed Methods - Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative data" training
The CHRC Education & Training office is offering a training entitled “Mixed Methods - Integrating Quantitative...
New Horizons, new paradigms in Health and Human Development
CHRC in conjunction with the Department of Medical Sciences and Health and Department of Psychology from...
International Workshop - Impacts of early life exposure to environmental Contaminants: children’s health in the Anthropocene
The University of Évora, along with researchers from the CHRC, is organizing an international workshop within the...
CHRC 3rd Annual Summit hosted by NOVA Medical School
The 3rd edition of CHRC Summit will happen on November 3 and 4 of 2022, and will take place at NOVA Medical...
University of Évora will receive the CHRC 2nd Annual Summit on May 13
Colégio Espírito Santo from University of Évora will receive the CHRC Community in person for the most important...
2nd Annual CHRC Summit | 13 May of 2022
2nd Annual CHRC Summit | 13 May of 2022The CHRC is organizing the follow-up of the 2nd Annual Summit of last...
IV International Conference NOVAhealth Chronic Disease and Infection
On October 22, 2021, NOVAsaúde Chronic Disease and Infection will hold its IV International Conference online, from...
Webinars for younger researchers from European Countries
The National School of Public Health (ENSP), within the scope of the COST Project – The European Researchers Network...
NOVA impACT! Challenges | 2nd Edition
October 11 - November 5, 2021Through this program, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa and Santander Universities...
Public health futures debated on November 10-12
Dedicated to the theme "Public health futures in a changing world / Public health futures in a changing world", the...
Welcome to the 2nd Annual Summit of the Comprehensive Health Research Center – CHRC
The 2nd summit of the CHRC community takes place in Évora, on the 18th (online) and 19th (in person) of November...