ENSP-NOVA launches project on caregivers of the elderly

ENSP-NOVA launches project on caregivers of the elderly

The National School of Public Health at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa has released a questionnaire to understand the pandemic’s impacts on the health and work of caregivers of dependent older adults.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought new and complex challenges to caregivers of dependent elderly people. The elderly population is one of the main groups at risk of developing the most severe forms of disease and mortality. The work of caregivers in this scenario is highly relevant, not only for the care already instituted but also for implementing the necessary measures to prevent contagion.

The investigation “Profile of Elderly Caregivers in the Context of a Pandemic: impacts on the health and work of caregivers – Portugal” (approved by the Ethics Committee of ENSP-NOVA) aims to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the conditions of work, health and information of formal and informal caregivers of dependent elderly.

This initiative has a partnership with the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in Brazil, which developed a similar study (more information here: https://covid19.careres.fiocruz.br/).

We invite all interested parties to participate and publicize this project with caregivers of older adults. To participate, just click on the link: https://pt.surveymonkey.com/r/PerfildosCuidadoresdeIdosos.

In case of suggestions, doubts or comments, please contact the project coordination: perfil.cuidadores@ensp.unl.pt

