Workshop "Love After 50"
Organized by the Social Comission of the Freguesia de Arroios - Active Aging, Safety and...
CHRC researcher present in Düsseldorf at the annual meeting of the SIMPATHIC project, funded by Horizon Europe
The annual meeting of the SIMPATHIC consortium took place in Düsseldorf, which was attended by Sofia de Oliveira...
Study in collaboration between PFS and FPF reveals health benefits of practicing Walking Football for the elderly population
Through the collaboration between the Portugal Football School and the Universities of Évora, Beira Interior and...
Scientific Publication in the area of Behavioral Sciences authored by Marta Moreira Marques was distinguished by NOVA Science Innovation Day
Marta Moreira Marques received a recognition diploma from NOVA Science Innovation Day, regarding the scientific...
CHRC researchers awarded at the 1st International Nursing Conferences
Vânia Martins and Ana Dias, PhD Students in Sciences and Technologies of Health and Wellbeing at the University of...
CHRC researchs at the 8th Biosimilar Multistakeholder Event in Brussels
CHRC researchers Julian Perelman and Elsa Mateus will participate in an important European Commission event, the...
CHRC intergenerational program targeting the older adults was served as a model for community-based knowledge translation
Global aging highlights the importance of strategies tailored to older adults' unique needs. Aging is accompanied by...
European Health Psychology Society Conference of 2024
The 38th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS 2024) took place in Cascais, Portugal,...
CHRC at the 9th edition of the Estoril Conferences
Between October 24th and 25th of 2024, the 9th edition of the Estoril Conferences will several important...
Sónia Dias receives the 17th European Public health Conference 2024 as Scientific Chair
Between the 11th and 15th of November, Lisbon will host the 17th European Public health Conference 2024, being the...
The RUN UP Project evaluated the nutritional status, motor competence and physical fitness of 900 children from Alentejo’s schools
The RUN UP project, funded by the CHRC and with Gabriela Almeida as its main researcher, proved to be an innovative...
Vagar(mente) project – Mental Health intervention study for university students since 2022
In order to celebrate the World Mental Health Day, the Vagar(mente) project, a program implemented by the University...
The UÉ and CHRC hosted CIAA2024 in Évora
Between the 4th and 6th of October, the International Congress of Aquatic Activities of 2024 was hosted in the city...
CHRC in the European Researchers' Night of 2024
On September 27th, the CHRC was present at the European Researchers' Night of 2024, in the city of Évora with...
5th CHRC Annual Summit, a successful scientific gathering
On the 23rd and 24th of October, the 5th edition of the CHRC Annual Summit took place at Palácio D. Manuel in...
Manuel Lopes elected as new member of SIGMA XI
Manuel Lopes, member of the CHRC Board of Directors and Director of the School of Nursing of São João de Deus at...
Welcome to the 5th CHRC Annual Summit!
The 5th edition of the most important event of the year for the CHRC will happen on the 23rd and 24th of September...
Armando Raimundo as principal researcher in a European Project for the benefit of populations living in desertified regions
Armando Raimundo, DEAN of the School of Health and Human Development from the University of Évora and Director of...
Alexandre Duarte Martins wins the Fitness and Health Awards 2023, in the Research Award category
The work “Effects of a strength training program based on execution speed, with the aim of contributing to the fear...
Deborah Oyine Aluh awarded by Prémio João Monjardino 2023
The researcher from CHRC, NOVA Medical School and the Lisbon Institute of Global Mental Health, Deborah Oyine Aluh...
Welcome to the 5th CHRC Annual Summit
The 5th edition of the most important event of the year for the CHRC will happen on the 23rd and 24th of September...
Microcredential “Basic Principles in Perinatal Mental Health” as the main kickoff of the Project Matter
On the last April 9 and 12, the Kickoff of the pioneering project Matter – Perinatal Mental Health started of with...
CIAA 2024 - International Congress of Aquatic Activities
The aquatic environment is an excellent way of developing educational and sporting activities, as well as...
Kickoff of the pioneering project Matter – Perinatal Mental Health
The kickoff of the pioneering project Matter – Perinatal Mental Health, coordinated by Dr. Teresa...
Ana Advinha and Sofia Martins in an interview with News Farma about the Index of access to the Hospital Medicine
In an interview with “News Farma”, CHRC researchers, Sofia de Oliveira Martins and Ana Margarida Advinha, spoke...
Study on Health inequalities associated to socioeconomic factors in pre-COVID19 pandemic published on the Lancet
The “Subnational inequalities in years of life lost and associations with socioeconomic factors in pre-pandemic...
SPLIT program approved to integrate the Sustainable Health Pact (PaSSus) 2030
The SPLIT Program, coordinated by researchers from CHRC and the School of Health from the Setubal Polytechnic...
CHRC researchers coordinate the use of a pioneering virtual technology to promote nurses' mental health
The XR2ESILIENCE project, coordinated in Portugal by researchers from the CHRC and the UÉ Nursing Department,...
CHRC researchers as chairs of the Conference of the European Health Psychology 2024
Marta Moreira Marques and Cristina Godinho from NOVA University of Lisbon and CHRC were nominated as Chair and...
CHRC Talks #6 - Presentation of projects and collaborations on environmental, occupational and health care areas
On January 26th, the 6th edition of CHRC Talks brought the centre’s researcher and ENSP-NOVA professor, Susana...
CHAIN Biobank powered by CHRC was launched
NOVA Medical School has launched the CHAIN Biobank on the January 12 of 2024, where is stored human biological...
“THE RIGHT PLAY” project funded by the FCT’s RESTART Program
The project led by Guida Veiga, will receive funding from the RESTART Program, promoted by the portuguese...
CHRC and UÉ workshop brought together international experts on animal health/human health interconnections from the perspective of the "One Health" paradigm
On December 15 and 16, the University of Évora and the CHRC promoted (within the scope of the CHRC's Call...
Study on the rise of home deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic published on the eClinicalMedicine journal
The project that’s EU-funded –...
Public presentation of P-IN project’s outcomes
With the Support of CHRC, the P-IN project had their results presented last december at University of Évora. This...
CHRC researchers had their project selected for EU Green funding
The TAILEXER project is one of the projects that will receive funding from the EU Green Alliance Seed Funding and...
Cardiofollow AI as a digital health intervention in heart procedures - CHRC Talks #5
The 5th session of CHRC Talks was attended by CHRC researchers Ana Rita Londral, executive director of Value for...
MHUS – Mental Health of University Students selected for funding from the Alliance of EU GREEN seed funding
The study "MHUS - Mental Health of University Students: associated factors between countries" is coordinated by the...
Presentation of the National Index of Access to Hospital Medicines 2023's report by Ana Margarida Advinha
On November 17th, the results of the National Index of Access to Hospital Medicines 2023 were presented, based on a...
A country using antidepressants - Rute Dinis de Sousa in “Talk ESG – The Future is Now” from Jornal de Negócios
The Director of CHRC, Rute Dinis de Sousa, was one of the speakers at the premiere of “Talk ESG – The Future is...
Nurse researcher at HESE and CHRC is developing pioneering project in the area of Maternal-infant Health in Portugal
The VitDTracking Research Project is headed by researcher Olívia Barbosa. The objective of this project focuses on...
The online seminar Communication of Risks Applied to Occupational and Environmental...
Lara Guedes de Pinho invited to present a study for the Mental Health Promotion Program in Higher Education
The Presentation of the Program for Mental Health in Higher Education brought together several researchers...
3rd transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ project THE VALUE OF FACING SCHOOL
The CHRC was represented on October 10th at the 3rd transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ project THE VALUE OF...
CHRC and UÉ brought the Conference of the International Graphonomics Society to Évora
Between the 17th and 19th of October, the 21st international conference of the “International Graphonomics Society”...
University of Évora and CHRC initiative in the World Mental Health Day - Mental Health among higher education students
On October 10th, during the World Mental Health Day, an initiative was carried out with students at the University...
José Alberto Parraça elected President of the International Human Motricity Network
At the XVI International Human Motricity Congress Desarrollo Sostenible, Innovación, Salud y Motricidad Humana that...
CHRC at the European Researchers' Night 2022/2023
The European Researchers' Night 2022/2023 took place in several european cities, including cities in Portugal with...
CHRC Talks#3 - Revolutionary projects aimed to musculoskeletal diseases treatments
Muscoskeletal diseases are the most common non-lethal diseases with the highest disability factor in the world...
Interoception – Training organized by CHRC researchers brought an internationally renowned researcher to Évora
The training “Interoception: Advanced Assessment and Intervention in health” took place at the University of...
CHRC present at the international meeting of the TETRA-S project in Cyprus
On the 5th and 6th of September, professors from the University of Évora and CHRC researchers, Adelinda Candeias...
CHRC Projects display in Health Promotion in Vulnerable Populations – CHRC Talks
The last session of the CHRC Talks brought together several CHRC and ENSP-NOVA researchers to present projects in...
Scientific study from CHRC researchers wins the Sports Science Awards 2023
The work “Dynamic performance-exposure algorithm for falling risk assessment and prevention of falls in...
The paper "The Behaviour Change Technique Ontology" authored by Marta Moreira Marques was published
It was detected new necessities from several sources that allowed an improvement of the Behaviour Change Technique...
VA Prevention kick-off Conference – Diabetes Prevention through a Digital Intervention
A kick-off meeting of VA Prevention was held in June at Egas Moniz School of Health & Science, which featured...
Teresa Paiva became ambassador of the BIAL Fundation
Teresa Paiva, CHRC researcher and Clinical Director of CENC - Sleep Medicine Center and collaborator of the...
International Seminar on Technology in Sport at University of Évora organized by CHRC researchers
On the 1st of June, the International Seminar on Technology in Sport took place at the University of Évora: Data...
CHRC Talks premieres on June 30
CHRC is pleased to announce that the CHRC Talks will premiere on the next June...
Financial and logistic support to the organisation of training activities
[EXCLUSIVE TO CHRC MEMBERS]The CHRC Education & Training Office opened a call...
4th CHRC Annual Summit – The Outcome
On the 25th and 26th of May, the 4th edition of the CHRC Annual Summit took place at Palácio D.Manuel I, in...
Welcome to the 4th CHRC Annual Summit!
The 4th edition of the CHRC Annual Summit starts today and new Hot Topics of interest for our research community...
“Fibromyalgia: Physiological Mechanisms and Programs for Pain Relief” presented in the 3rd International Sports Sciences Congress
Professor José Alberto Parraça was invited to the Keynote Speakers panel at the 3rd International Sports Sciences...
“DESAFIO NOS” project awarded at the Open Innovation Challenges
Catarina Gonçalves, PhD student in Human Motricity at University of Évora and CHRC researcher, saw her project...
Translation, Cultural Adaptation, and Reliability of the 15D Portuguese Version
In recent years, several experiments by the World Health Organization have been carried out simultaneously to...
Manuel Lopes receives Medal of Distinguished Services from the Ministry of Health
Manuel Lopes, member of the Directors Board of CHRC and Director of the Nursing School of São João de Deus from...
Book on Gerontomotricity edited by CHRC researchers
Hugo Rosado and Catarina Pereira, Professors at the Department of Sport and Health from ESDH - University of Évora...
CHRC joins the Science and Art Mission project in Évora
The School of Nursing of São João de Deus along with School of Health and Human Development and Comprehensive Health...
Study on Mental Health among University Students reveals unsettling data
A study to evaluate Mental Health among University students was coordinated by the University of Évora and...
Special Issue on Frontiers has Marília Silva Paulo as Topic Editor
The Special Issue from Medicine journal (Frontiers) “Knowledge, Attitudes and Perceptions of Healthcare...
The importance of Prevention and Continuing Care in the Elderly Population – Antena 1 interview
According to Eurostat's latest statistics, the elderly population is growing very rapidly in Portugal. According to...
Adelinda Araújo Candeias and the Giftedness in INVERSO magazine
CHRC researcher and professor at the Department of Medical and Health Sciences at ESDH-UÉ, Adelinda Araújo Candeias...
“Tracking Systems” at the service of Sports research – Inverso Magazine
Bruno Gonçalves, professor at the Department of Sport and Health of ESDH-UÉ and CHRC researcher, had his story as a...
4th CHRC Annual Summit – Save the Date!
After the success of the 3rd edition of the CHRC Annual Summit that was held in November 2022, CHRC is pleased to...
Case report about an Innovative non-invasive treatment for patients with Fibromyalgia was published
CHRC researcher and Professor at the Departament of Sports and Health from ESDH/University of Évora, José Parraça...
VAPrevention – Project funded by FCT
FCT funded the project “VAPrevention - Randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of a person-centred...
2nd CHRC Annual Summit Book of Abstracts was published on the Portuguese Journal of Public Health
It was made a Book of Abstracts integrating the 45 abstracts that were presented at the 2nd CHRC Annual Summit....
Study on patient-physician interaction via Teleconsultation published in Digital Health journal
CHRC and NOVA Medical School researchers, Ana Maria and Bruno Heleno, along with Helena Serra (CICS.NOVA) and Graça...
Mariana Peyroteo interviewed at the EPHC 2022 conference
CHRC and NMS Researcher Mariana Peyroteo went to the EPHC 2022 conference within the scope of <a...
José Marmeleira awarded by the Portuguese Paralympic Committee
Professor at ESDH-UÉvora and CHRC researcher José Marmeleira received the Paralympic Badge from the Portuguese...
Project ALENMENTE as semifinalist in the Angelini University Award! 2021/2022
The ALENMENTE project in the area of mental health, which includes the participation of CHRC researchers Lara...
PhD thesis of researcher Lara Guedes de Pinho awarded in Spain
Lara Guedes de Pinho, Professor at the Department of Nursing and Researcher from Comprehensive Health Research...
CHRC and University of Évora were at the “Asumie Transnational Meeting and Multiplier Event” in Bulgaria
The partner institutions of the Project “Erasmus+ Additional support and Mediated learning in Inclusive education”...
CHRC researchers leaders of a national and international study about Mental Health of University students
The CHRC is coordinating a study – Mental Health Of University Students: Multiceneter Research Study - that aims to...
Networking session brings together Patient Innovation leaders and CHRC researchers in Évora
On the 11th of November, a conference was held at Colégio Espírito Santo of University of Évora with the theme of...
Paper from CHRC researchers about Clinical Questions in Primary Care was published
CHRC and NMS researchers Catarina Viegas Dias, David Rodrigues and Bruno Heleno along with Clara Jasmins affiliated...
Nuno Batalha at the Projet PLAYS meeting at Constanza, Romania
CHRC researcher and deputy director of the ESDH – University of Évora, Prof. Nuno Batalha participated as project...
Winning projects – CHRC Research Grants 2022
For the third year in a row, CHRC has organized new Research Grants for projects carried out within the scope of our...
3rd CHRC Annual Summit happened on November 3 and 4, 2022
The 3rd edition of the CHRC Annual Summit took place on the 3rd and 4th of November at the MMM Auditorium of NOVA...
The 3rd CHRC Annual Summit starts today
The CHRC Annual Summit starts once more, celebrating the opening of its 3rd edition in person, this time at the MMM...
Armando Raimundo as speaker at the III Congreso Internacional en Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte
Prof. Armando Raimundo, Director of the ESDH-UÉvora and Director of CHRC at the University of Évora, was invited to...
Renowned international and national specialists will lead the “Hot Topics” of the 3rd CHRC Annual Summit
On November 3 and 4, the 3rd CHRC Annual Summit will be held and the program will include “hot topics” that will...
CHRC researchers and Professors at ENSP-NOVA awarded in the PM Summit Lisbon
Carolina Santos and António Tavares, CHRC researchers and professors at ENSP-NOVA, were awarded at the PM SUMMIT...
CHRC Research Grants 2022
For the third year in a row, CHRC has opened a new Research Grants that aims to financially support the projects of...
International Workshop organized by UÉ/CHRC brought renowned international specialists
The International Workshop “Impacts of Early Life Exposure to Environmental Contaminants: Children's Health in the...
3rd CHRC Annual Summit happens next November 3 and 4!
The annual meeting of CHRC researchers and members is getting closer and will take place in person at the MMM...
CHRC researchers involved in a project responsible for the discovery of an important gene and polymorphism associated with the sport performance of elite roller hockey players
CHRC researcher and Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics at FCS-UFP, Porto, Maria-Raquel Silva collaborates with a...
Nuno Batalha invited to join the Sports Science Awards Jury, organized by COP
The recognition of the merit and experience of Prof. Nuno Batalha, CHRC researcher and subdirector of ESDH from...
“Unlock” platform launch promoted by ENSP-NOVA
As part of the research carried out by researchers from Comprehensive Health Research Center – ENSP-NOVA, the...
University of Évora and CHRC will host the “International Graphonomics Society” in 2023
For the first time in Portugal, from 19 to 23 June next year, a conference of the International Graphonomics Society...
Project PREVENTABLE receives funding from Horizon Europe
The main work of this project is leaded by CHRC and EpiDoc of NMS researchers, Marta Marques and Ana Rodrigues, in...
Volume II of the Frontiers in Endocrinology research topic “Obesogens in the XXI century: emerging health challenges” edited by CHRC researcher is now accepting submissions
After the success of the 1st Volume of the Research Topic “<a...
Development of MCT-Silver Strategies in Portugal discussed in German institutions
The project “Metacognitive Training for Depression in Later Life”, coordinated in Portugal by Prof. Lara Pinho from...
Mário JDS Santos coordinated the “Binarism and the non-binary” seminar, hosted by CHRC and CIES-ISCTE
On July 14, marking the International Non-Binary People’s Day, the CHRC and CIES-Iscte jointly hosted a seminar on...
Julian Perelman as author in the “The State of the Nation and Public Policies” Report
CHRC researcher and Professor at ENSP-NOVA, Julian Perelman contributed to the “The State of the Nation and Public...
CHRC 3rd Annual Summit hosted by NOVA Medical School
The 3rd edition of CHRC Summit will happen on November 3 and 4 of 2022, and will take place at NOVA Medical...
Book coordinated by the “Value for Health CoLAB” published, linked to activities of the CardioFollow.AI project
On June 23, the "Promotion of self-care for the improvement of health outcomes" event was held at the Rectory of...
CHRC researchers awarded with the LPPC/AICIB Research Grants
Today, the Award Ceremony for Clinical Research Grants in Oncology in Primary Health Care awarded two projects from...
CHRC researchers editors of two Special Issues of Journals indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus
Two Special Issues of Journals indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus with a high impact factor have CHRC...
CHRC joins the associated laboratory REAL, coordinated by Helena Canhão
A new important milestone for CHRC has happened this week. The inaugural meeting of the associated laboratory REAL...
Study from CHRC researchers highlighted at FPF
The study called “The multidimensional characterization of football players’ performance in competition” was...
Partnerships for Science Education (PAFSE) project was exhibited at the “Festival of the New European Bauhaus”
Partnerships for Science Education (PAFSE) project was exhibited at the “Festival of the New European Bauhaus”...
Study carried out by CHRC researchers was submitted in the 9th CIAFD Congress
André Bento and DEAN of ESDH from University of Évora, Prof. Armando Raimundo, both integrated researchers at CHRC,...
The EpiDoC Unit had its article on the Obesity- attributable costs of absenteeism among working adults in Portugal published in the journal BMC Public Health
The paper “Obesity- attributable costs of absenteeism among working adults in Portugal” was published in BMC...
CHRC researchers awarded by AGAP – Portugal Ativo
Professors from University of Évora and CHRC researchers José Parraça and Orlando Fernandes, along with Carolina...
André Bento as speaker at the largest International Fitness Congress in Portugal
Fellow Researcher at CHRC, André Bento will hold one of the masterclasses of the IV International Online Congress...
Public Presentation of the OPPS Spring Report of 2022
Manuel Lopes, member of the CHRC Boards Directors, main Professor coordinator of the Nursing Department of the...
Professor Armando Raimundo as DEAN of the School of Health and Human Development
Professor Armando Raimundo, member of the Executive Comittee of CHRC and Founder of the Sports Science area at the...
CHRC researchers as Guest Editors of a Special Issue of Children Journal
CHRC researchers from University of Évora and Guest Editors of the special Issue "Child Psychomotricity:...
CHRC 2nd Annual Summit Highlights
On May 13, the CHRC 2nd Annual Summit was hosted by the University of Évora, at Colégio Espírito Santo. After some...
CHRC researcher as co-guest Editor of a Special Issue of Journal of Clinical Medicine
Ana Rita Matias, CHRC researcher and co-guest editor of the special Issue “Tissues Changes in Infancy...
2nd Annual Summit –Awards Ceremony of CHRC Research Grants 2021
After an afternoon filled of conferences, oral presentations and pitch's of the Thematic Lines of CHRC, it was time...
CHRC 2nd Annual Summit today at the University of Évora
The CHRC 2nd Annual Summit started today at Colégio Espírito Santo of University of Évora. The Opening Ceremony was...
University of Évora will receive the CHRC 2nd Annual Summit on May 13
Colégio Espírito Santo from University of Évora will receive the CHRC Community in person for the most important...
Sónia Dias, researcher at CHRC, elected DEAN of ENSP-NOVA
Sónia Dias, Professor from ENSP-NOVA and researcher at CHRC, was elected DEAN of ENSP-NOVA last April 26.Her...
CHRC researcher wins the FLAD Science Award Mental Health
Manuela Silva, researcher and coordinator of the Lisbon Institute of Global Mental Health and researcher at CHRC, is...
Study conducted by CHRC researchers about the Impact of COVID-19 in elderly lifestyle, published in MDPI
Professors Armando Raimundo, José Marmeleira and the PhD student Nilton Chantre Leite of University of Évora and...
Study involving Prof. Bruno Gonçalves, published in Science and Medicine in Football
Professor of University of Évora and researcher at the CHRC, Bruno Gonçalves was one of the authors of the paper...
HBM4EU Chromates Study - CHRC and ENSP-NOVA researchers in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Professor of ENSP-NOVA and researcher at CHRC, Susana Viegas and Carla Martins, had their paper “HBM4EU Chromates...
The EpiDoC Unit had its article on the adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Portugal published in the journal "Nutrients"
The paper “Low Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet Is Associated with Poor Socioeconomic Status and Younger Age: A...
Metacognitive Training for Depression in Later Life – Project led by Prof. Lara Pinho
The project “Metacognitive Training for Depression in Later Life" is coordinated by Prof. Lara Pinho from the...
On 24th and 25th of March, Project REFLECT will bring together University of Évora, CHRC, European and National partners at Évora
A meeting will take place between the School of Health and Human Development from University of Évora, CHRC and the...
2nd Annual CHRC Summit | 13 May of 2022
2nd Annual CHRC Summit | 13 May of 2022The CHRC is organizing the follow-up of the 2nd Annual Summit of last...
CHRC and ENSP-NOVA researcher is PI of European project in science education on Public Health challenges
PAFSE “Partnerships for Science Education” has the National School of Public Health –of NOVA University of Lisbon as...
Project led by Dr. Paulo Paixão studies the impact of COVID- 19 in children immune system
A study is in progress to try to understand the impact of COVID-19 in humoral and cellular immune response in...
Paper by Dr. Marta Marques as a senior author published in JMIR Publications
The paper in which Dr. Marta Marques from NOVA Medical School and researcher at CHRC collaborated as senior author –...
A new protocol has been signed between Trofa Saúde Amadora and NMS/CHRC
NOVA Medical School took a new important step: Two protocols were signed between Trofa Saúde Amadora and NMS,...
PMCardImpact – Exposure to fine particles (PM2.5) and cardiovascular disease
Pollution is an important environmental factor for the exponential increase of high-impact diseases worldwide. This...
Prof. Ana Catarina Sousa’s paper published in Encyclopedia MDPI
After the paper about The Impact of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals in Male Fertility: Focus on the Action of...
“Optimizing Digital Behavior Change Interventions” by Dr. Marta Marques on the EHP special issue
Dr. Marta Marques, integrated researcher at CHRC and NOVA Medical School, made a contribution on methodologies and...
OSCAR Project – Digital tool that detects COVID-19 infections through voice
Did you know there’s a brand new innovative technological tool that can help identify respiratory diseases,...
Hugo Folgado’s paper published in the International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport
Professor of the Department of Sport and Health of University of Évora and integrated researcher of CHRC, Hugo...
DN Interview with Helena Canhão - female leadership in the global health sector
Helena Canhão, the new DEAN of NOVA Medical School and coordinator of the CHRC, is the first woman to assume the...
“Low Back Pain: A global and urgent public health problem” by Prof. Eduardo Cruz
Low Back Pain is a symptom and not a disease. It’s a public health growing problem, by the increasing incidence and...
Talent Identification and Development in Sports Performance- New Ebook edited by Bruno Gonçalves
The most recent Ebook from “Frontiers in Sports and Active Living” – Talent Identification and Development in Sports...
Hugo Folgado and Small sided-games study – Podcast
Hugo Folgado, assistant professor at the Department of Sport and Health of the University of Évora and CHRC...
Assistants Professors of University of Évora and integrated researchers of CHRC awarded in the Sports Science Awards, assigned by COP and Millennium bcp Foundation
Assistants Professors at the Department of Sports and Health of University of Évora and integrated researchers of...
Webinars for younger researchers from European Countries
The National School of Public Health (ENSP), within the scope of the COST Project – The European Researchers Network...
NOVA impACT! Challenges | 2nd Edition
October 11 - November 5, 2021Through this program, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa and Santander Universities...
ENSP-NOVA launches project on caregivers of the elderly
The National School of Public Health at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa has released a questionnaire to understand the...
17th National Conference on Health Economics
The Portuguese Association of Health Economics promotes, between October 20 and 22, 2021, at ISEG – Lisbon School of...
CHRC Investigator Featured in Observador
Involuntary admissions, forced medication, or isolated patients. Deborah Aluh investigates the factors that...