PAFSE - Partnerships for Science Education
PAFSE - Partnerships for Science Education

PAFSE - Partnerships for Science Education

Funding Entity European Commission

Financed Amount 1.455.075€

Consortium Universidade do Minho (UMinho), Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL), Institouto Technologias Ypologiston kai Ekdoseon Diofantos (CTI), Panepistimio Ioanninon (UOI), Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência Prevenção Rodoviária Portuguesa University of Cyprus Uniwersytet Im. Adama Mickiewicza W Poznaniu

Start date 2021-09-01

Final date 2024-08-31


PAFSE is a science education project that addresses the challenges of public health.

PAFSE explores science education as a vehicle to provide citizens the knowledge, tools and skills to make informed decisions on public health challenges. The project promotes community preparedness, by focusing on risk factors for the health condition of individuals, but also on the pre-emptive and protective behaviours from a personal and population perspective, contributing to more literate communities on healthy lifestyles, injury prevention, as well as detection, prevention, and response to infectious diseases.

PAFSE establishes partnerships between schools, universities, non-formal education providers, enterprises, and civil society organisations, and engages them in efforts to enrich Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) education to include public health issues.

With a focus on building a strong interdisciplinary team, the project consortium integrates in the educational programme views from biologists, psychologists, environmental health specialists, mathematicians, engineers, project managers, science educators, public health professionals, policy makers and researchers.

Carolina Santos

Principal Researcher

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