Funding Entity European Commission

Financed Amount 4.998.778,75€

Consortium Fundación Avedis Donabedian Para la Mejora de la Calidad Asistencial Stichting Radboud Universitair Medish Centrum Stichting Nederlands Instituut Voor Onderzoek Van De Gezondheidszorg Sistema Español de Notificación en Seguridad en Anestesia y Reanimación University of Tartu OptiMedis AG Federation Europeenne Des Hopitaux et Des Soins de Sante European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Spojená Akreditační Komise, OPS

Start date 2022-06-01

Final date 2026-06-30


The SAFEST project aims to improve patient safety through the harmonization of perioperative care in European countries.

To achieve our aim, we will conduct a mixed-methods research involving patients and clinical care providers in all the project steps.

We will identify a set of evidence-based practices widely supported at the European level, the “SAFEST standardised practices.” Through a Quality Improvement Learning Collaborative, we will promote the adoption of our project’s practices, determine contextual factors for implementation, and develop recommendations and lessons learnt.

We will focus on improving patient safety along the entire perioperative journey, spanning from the care provided before hospital admission to postoperative recovery at home or outpatient facilities.

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