Presentation’s Session of the CoLAB TRIALS in Évora | April 17, 2024
On April 17, 2024, the CoLAB TRIALS presentation session will take place in Évora, having as speakers the Executive Director of the laboratory and CHRC researcher, Catarina Madeira, and Fábio Lampreia, Research and Innovation manager at CoLAB Trials.
This is an integrated initiative within the scope of the Microcredential in Innovation and Industrial Property and Health of the Department of Medical and Health Sciences of the School of Health and Human Development from the University of Évora, with the support of the Comprehensive Health Research Center (CHRC). This session will take place between 11h00 and 12h30 on April 17th, in room 125 of the Gil Eanes Technological Center (Casa Cordovil). Entry is free and no registration is required. You are more than invited to come and participate!
“This collaborative laboratory’s mission is to increase innovation in the healthcare sector, through the development of cutting-edge technologies, which enable responses to the sector’s numerous challenges. Based on collaboration between different stakeholders, the objective is to strengthen the skills of multidisciplinary teams in clinical research.” Ana Margarida Advinha, organizer of this session and researcher at CHRC, and professor at the Department of Medical and Health Sciences at ESDH-UÉvora.