Sleep, chronobiology and sleep disorders
The sleep research group is mainly located at CENC, and includes:
- Neurologists;
- Pulmonologists;
- Psychiatrists;
- ENT-specialists;
- Dentists;
- Neuropediatricians;
- Cardiologists;
- Internal Medicine specialists;
- Clinical psychologists;
- Neuropsychologists;
- Chronobiologists;
- Nutritionists;
- Exercise physiologists;
- Specialists in neuromuscular therapy;
- Sleep technologists.
The research lines are:
- Sleep neurophysiology;
- Insomnia;
- Hypersomnia;
- Human circadian rhythms and disorders;
- Movement disorders;
- Parasomnias and sleep related epilepsy;
- Pediatric sleep;
- Sleep apnea;
- Dreaming;
- Sleep awareness and dissemination.