Erasmus+ Training of educators for transfer of transversal skills
Project Reference KA220-ADU-00F5DF61
Funding Entity Comissão Europeia
Financed Amount 246.065€
Consortium Groep Ubuntu - vzw Ubuntu Achtkanter, Universidade de Évora, EUROCY, European Network of Social Authorities, IVASS, NARHU
Start date 2022-02-01
Final date 2024-03-01
The main objective of this project is to develop new methods of transferring transversal skills in adults with cognitive impairment, enabling them to have a successful social inclusion process, promoting well-being and quality of life. And also to enhance the transfer of these skills in the daily life of these adults.
To this end, the project aims to develop a set of psychoeducational and communicational tools, webinars and e-books that will be integrated into an interactive MOOC e-learning platform.
Coordination: Adelinda Candeias (CHRC and Department of Medical Sciences and Health - ESDH).
Gabriela Almeida, Guida Veiga and Catarina Pereira (CHRC and Department of Sports and Health - ESDH, António Portelada and Edgar Galindo (CHRC).