Exercise, sports sciences and human development
CHRC Researchers joins to pursue three major topics:
- Physical Exercise
Focusing on the promotion of healthy lifestyles and well-being, mainly through sports activities and exercise programs.
- Human development
Where the concern falls in the determinants for a healthy and active growth and development, studying the interaction between motor, cognitive and social-emotional dimensions of children with typical and atypical development, as well as the potential of body oriented therapies.
- Sport Sciences
Focusing in the manipulation and analysis of training and competition contexts, aiming to promote participants’ adaptation and development.
This research group aims to use and develop technologically advanced tools regarding the assessment and monitoring of sports practice.
In terms of methodology, the Exercise, sports sciences and human development research group is mainly dedicated to the study of physical and physiological conditions, and motor, behavioral and socio-emotional skills of human beings. Cohort, observational, experimental, interventional, longitudinal, and literature review studies are the most common designs in this research group. These studies yield data of both a qualitative nature, commonly requiring content analysis, and data of a quantitative nature, usually analyzed for associations, causal relationships, proportions, and comparisons. The most frquently used tools for treatment, analysis and visualization are SPSS (Amos), Jamovi, JASP, R and MatLab.