Patient innovation and health innovation & entrepreneurship
Patient Innovation, health innovation and entrepreneurship research group is focused on applied research regarding innovation and entrepreneurship in healthcare.
One of the main goals is to study and develop the user innovator potential, as it is proven to be a great source of solutions for validated needs. It has been developed different activities and projects, as academic research with several papers published, an open online platform of healthcare solutions sharing - created by patients, caregivers and collaborators - with:
- A community of over 250 thousand users;
- An international accelerator program for solutions developed by patients and caregivers (Patient Innovation Bootcamp);
- A repository of solutions for COVID-19 developed by common citizens.
The main methodological approaches used involve searching different information channels in order to identify innovative solutions developed by patients and caregivers anywhere in the world, as well as medical assessment of these identified solutions to ensure their safety and efficacy (drugs, edible/drinkable or intrinsically dangerous solutions are excluded). Relevant research data associated with the innovation process (and entrepreneurship where it exists) that is intrinsic to the description of the innovation under analysis is removed and processed to integrate an anonymized database that allows for easier data reading and analysis with a series of filters and tags.