Mental health determinants, needs and interventions
This Research group includes:
- Psychiatrists;
- Family doctors;
- Other mental health professionals (Mental Health Research Unit, NOVA-MeHRU).
The researchers have extensive experience on:
- Clinical and psychosocial assessment of psychiatric disorders;
- Psychiatric epidemiology;
- Mental health policy/services evaluation research;
- Ageing;
- Neuropsychiatric disorders.
Researchers have coordinated or collaborated in several multicentre studies funded by european and national funding agencies. They also have been collaborating with the Portuguese Government (Ministry of Health and General Directorate of Health) in the development and implementation of mental health plans and policies.
There are also strong connections with international research networks like INTERDEM and there have been close collaborations and the possibilities of strengthening formal partnerships with Hospital do Mar (Luz Saúde), União das Misericórdias Portuguesas and ARIA.
The first main team of this research group is related with clinical evaluation and the second is related with ageing, mental health and dementia.